The fifteen year ten month career of D5042/5042 saw allocations to Eastern Region and London Midland Region depots.
Built Crewe Locomotive Works. Allocations The frames for D5042 were laid down during the summer of 1959 at Crewe Works. D5042 was new to Ipswich (32B) on October 12th 1959. Further transfers were:
October 1959 to March (31B). Renumbered January 21st 1974. After withdrawal 24042 was stored at Derby Works until December 18th 1975 when it was moved down to Swindon Works and scrapped there by the last week of February 1976. Movement: 24042/45/48/50 Derby Wks – Swindon December 18th 1975. Works Visits Works visits (records incomplete).
Noted Doncaster Works December 1964. Highlights
1967 Condition April: green with small yellow warning panels, squared upper corners, yellow warning panel covers frame level stripe, full size fuel & water tanks, valencing all in place, two-rung bogie footsteps, cantrail water filler cover in place, exhaust situated above engine room. As part of the plan to remove steam from the North West a large group of Class 24s were transferred to the Stoke Division (D05). These transfers included the Class 24s from the southern end of the WCML and all the Class 24s remaining in East Anglia. This included 5042/43/44, this would be their last reallocation, and from now on all would be familiar sights in the Crewe area. Their duties would include the WCML between Rugby & Preston, the North Wales main line and its branches, the Cambrian lines to Aberystwyth & Pwhelli and the miriad of lines in the Liverpool and Manchester areas. Although primarily to be used on freight workings they would from time to time be used on passenger services, particularly on summer excursions and extras. All heavy repairs would now generally be handled by Derby Works.
1973 Condition May: green with full yellow cabfronts, full size fuel & water tanks, blanking plates fitted (blue), valencing partially fitted, two-rung bogie footsteps. 24042 was noted at Derby Works during August & November.
1975 A Holyhead (?) - Crewe relief was worked by 24042 on August 1st. The four Class 24s lying withdrawn at Derby Works (24042/45/48/50) finally made their way to Swindon for scrapping on December 18th, having spent time at Derby to allow for asbestos removal. This left only 24086 remaining at Derby, with collision damage, most unfortunate due to it being one of the last outshopped.
1976 flk 0222.
Page added June 27th 2016.
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