ND2, ND3, china diesel
Sulzers in China
Classes ND2 & ND3

Another country to receive the products of Electroputere, Roumania was China, the ND2 being very similar to the home built 060 DA series locomotives, being produced for China between 1971 and 1990.

Class ND2

ND2 0077 in the rain at Nanjing, July 13th 1987.

ND2 0172 at Shanghai, July 16th 1987.

ND2 0201 in the rain at Kowloon, July 23rd 1987.

Detail on side of ND2 0207 at Shanghai 1987.
Photographer unknown for the above views.

Both views courtesy Robin Givens. Two views of ND2s in service, to the left ND2 0038 and right is ND2 0039, both photographed in November 2002, with little time left before withdrawal.

Photograph courtesy 'Orpington'.
Its September 19th 2002 and ND2 0214 is seen at ChangSha.

Class ND3

Four views from a leaflet produced to advertise the ND3s delivered to China

Two views courtesy Robin Givens. Two views of ND3's in service, to the left ND3 0082 and right an ND3 in Shanghai.

Two views courtesy 'Orpington'. Two more views of the ND3s, this time at ChangSha on September 27th 2003 featuring ND3 0077.

Photograph courtesy Phillip Cook from a posting on 'abpr'.

Production List of the 060DA locomotives.
Year CFR (Roumania) Private Industry (Roumania) PKP (Poland) BDZ (Bulgaria) China
1960 10 Nil Nil Nil Nil
1961 8 Nil Nil Nil Nil
1962 35 Nil Nil Nil Nil
1963 59 Nil Nil Nil Nil
1964 85 Nil Nil Nil Nil
1965 65 Nil 45 Nil Nil
1966 80 Nil 35 10 Nil
1967 76 Nil 35 15 Nil
1968 75 Nil 40 17 Nil
1969 75 Nil 40 30 Nil
1970 96 5 42 Nil Nil
1971 86 9 40 8 8
1972 91 Nil 35 10 Nil
1973 73 Nil 52 10 10
1974 88 Nil 26 10 20
1975 77 Nil 8 20 20
1976 51 4 2 0 Nil
1977 84 20 10 Nil Nil
1978 60 3 10 Nil 16
1979 49 4 Nil Nil 43
1980 58 2 Nil Nil 21
1981 26 10 Nil Nil 21
1982 Nil 5 Nil Nil 30
1983 Nil 15 Nil Nil 14
1984 Nil 11 Nil Nil 24
1985 Nil 10 Nil Nil 27
1986 Nil 10 Nil Nil 23
1987 Nil 9 Nil Nil 26
1988 Nil 7 Nil Nil 31
1989 Nil 12 Nil Nil 26
1990 Nil 15 Nil Nil 19
1991 Nil 7 Nil Nil Nil
1992 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
1993 Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil
TOTALS 1407 160 420 130 379

Page added November 7th 2003.
Last updated September 11th 2005.

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