class 46 end
The final years of the Class 46s
1980 - 1984

The ongoing rationalization of the Modernisation Plan diesel fleet during the late 1970s impacted a number of locomotive types including the Class 46s, members of which were approaching their twentieth year in service. Although they were still generally up to the tasks demanded of them changes were taking place that greatly affected their traditional roles the arrival of the HSTs on routes previously worked by the Class 46s was but one example, a second would be the loss of freight traffic flows which were at one time familiar to them and thirdly the delivery of new freight locomotives.
As 1980 opened the Class 46 fleet remained almost complete, three examples had been withdrawn in 1978 due to collision or fire damage these were 46003/05/24 and were all broken up at Derby Works. In general the Class 46s had stuck to the timetable for their Classified repairs, although at the end of 1979 46029 & 46045 were overdue Light repairs - both were due November 1979 whilst 46035 was due a Light repair in December 1979.
Derby Locomotive Works was still providing Classified repairs to the fleet, repairs completed during 1980 were:
46036 light and collision repairs (after the Lydney accident).
46028 general repair (2nd to last).
46035 & 46044 light repair.
46029 light repair.
46032, 46041 & 46051 light repair.
46023, 46046, 46047 light repair.
46014 general repair - final General repair for a Class 46.
46009 light repair, the 3rd to last to receive a Light Classified repair.
46004 light repair, the 2nd to last to receive a Light Classified repair.
January 1981:
46011 received the last classified repair of any Class 46, a Light repair.

Stratford had long played an important role in providing maintenance for Eastern Region allocated locomotives, including Gateshead's fleet of Class 46's. In this view on April 27th 1980 46047 stands outside Stratford DRS awaiting attention. 46047 would remain in service until September 1984, after a career of almost 22 years.

The Works Open Day at Derby on September 6th 1980 provided the opportunity for enthusiasts to observe a dwindling number of Class 46's in the Works. Scheduled Classified repairs for them was winding down and decreasing numbers were being received for minor attention. A young enthusiast stands in front of 46053 which has been received for attention to its power unit.
As Derby worked through its final Class 46 classified repairs in the summer and autumn of 1980, elsewhere a number of Class 46s were being taken out of service and delivered to Swindon Works for either storage or scrapping. Initially the Laira based examples were the first to be taken out of service with 46012 (cracked frame) in July and 46013 in August.
The situation became quite fluid during the last four months of 1980 as locomotives were initially put to store (either serviceable or unserviceable), in many cases reinstatement followed after a period of time, or for the most mechanically challenged examples withdrawal took place. The Laira allocated locomotives were first to go through this process, with Swindon Works being the designated storage point. Any locomotives returned to traffic were now allocated only to Gateshead.
In September Laira sent 46025 46028 to Swindon Works for storage. During October they were joined by 46011/16/23, these three did not remain long at Swindon, they were quickly reinstated and forwarded to Gateshead for further service. Also released to Gateshead at this time were 46027 & 46028 - the latter locomotive was only eight months out of a General repair at Derby!
Less fortunate was 46012 which was broken up at Swindon Works during October, the first Class 46 to be broken up here.
Laira sent another batch of Class 46s up to Swindon for storage during October & November which included 46001/02/06/07/10/15/17-22 whilst received from Gateshead were 46030/34/37/38/40-43/50/54. All these locomotives and 46025 would be withdrawn during December.
46030/34/37/40 booked 07.35 York - Swindon on November 18th (did the movement occur as scheduled?)
46041/42/43 booked 06.00 Gateshead - Swindon on November 19th (did the movement occur as scheduled?)
Named celebrity 46026 was reinstated to Gateshead during November.
Noted arriving at Swindon from York behind 25198 on November 29th were stored 40146, 46041/42/43. On December 23rd 46050 arrived at Swindon from York
46009 was noted at Derby Works over the Christmas season for rectification work to an earlier Classified repair.

Although December 1980 had seen many Class 46s placed into withdrawn status at Swindon Works there were no immediate plans to immediately scrap all these locomotives with the view that the better examples might be reinstated. The first locomotive to be reinstated from this batch was 46002, being allocated to Gateshead and moved on February 19th.
46053 was withdrawn during February 1981 and moved to Derby Works at least by March. It would be broken up here during July 1981.

Another location to draw good crowds at its Open Days was Coalville, which generally turned out a great variety of locomotives and rolling stock for its visitors. For the June 1981 event 46048 is one of the exhibits. Time was running short for 46048 with only a few months left in service, during September 1981 it sustained fire damage and was taken out of service.
During May there were two withdrawals 46055 and 46033 (31st), both would be reinstated later.
The summer months saw no changes to the Class 46 fleet, but the arrival of the autumn/winter season brought a large quantity of changes, some good, some not so good. During September two locomotives were withdrawn 46002 on September 20th which was moved to Stratford DRS and 46048 after sustaining fire damage near Gloucester, it finally reached Swindon on November 20th 1981. To offset one of these losses 46001 was reinstated. During their final years in service it would be common to find Class 46s at Stratford, either awaiting component exchanges (power units or bogies) to keep them running or cannibalized withdrawn examples awaiting movement to Swindon Works for final scrapping.
October 1981
There were two withdrawals in October 46008 & 46032, the latter would later be re-instated. One minor change included the isolation of 46028s boiler. With their decreasing use on passenger services the need to maintain operational steam heating equipment was greatly reduced.
Movements included 46033 & 46055 from Tinsley to Swindon Works on October 22nd 1981 (with 13002 & 20029).
Crew training runs had commenced using HSTs prior to their introduction over the NE SW route in October, this would further impact the diminishing need for the Class 46s on passenger services over this route.
November 1981
November was a busy month, on paper at least, for Swindon Works as eleven Class 46s were officially re-instated to service, partly due to a stronger demand from the freight sector. Reinstated were 46006/07 (22nd) & 46010/17/18/21/22/25/38/50/54 (all 29th). Many of this latter batch went to Bristol for the completion of an A exam prior to entering service, but their movement out of the Works was not immediate for some of them. For example departure dates are recorded as:
46018 departed December 1st to Bristol
46038 departed December 2nd to Bristol
46006 departed December 4th to Bristol
46007 departed December 4th to Bristol
46037 departed December 7th to Bristol
46050 departed December 8th to Bristol
46017 & 46021 departed December 17th to Bristol
46025 departed February 1st 1982
46022 departed March 4th 1982
46002 which had been withdrawn during September 1981 was stored at Stratford DRS during December.
Movements included 46008 to Swindon Works on November 20th (with 46048?).
December 1981
During December 46001 was withdrawn after sustaining a seized up engine. To offset this loss 46032 was reinstated on December 21st at Gateshead. It did not immediately re-enter traffic, it was sent to Derby Works for an unclassified repair, being noted there early in January 1982. To assist in the repair of 46032 the previously withdrawn 46040 was moved from Swindon Works via Toton to Derby between January 7th 23rd to donate its power unit and other spares to 46032.

January 1982
Withdrawn 46001 was noted at Finsbury Park (Jan/Feb) before moving to Stratford DRS, arriving on the afternoon of February 22nd.
46006 & 46054 were withdrawn during January, but this loss was offset by the reinstatement of 46033 & 46055, noted leaving Swindon Works on February 2nd and January 19th respectively.
46054 had been reinstated to service in November 1981 but never actually left Swindon Works!

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover
Withdrawn 46040 stands in the main erecting shop at Derby on February 6th 1982 surrendering parts for reuse by recently reinstated 46032 and others. For this purpose 46040 had been sent up from Swindon Works. By April 46040 would be broken up.
February 1982
46007 was withdrawn in February.
46010 which was reinstated during November 1981, was removed from Swindon on February 1st reaching Stratford DRS during March.
March 1982
The boilers on 46011/21/46 were isolated during March, whilst 46045 was noted at Derby Works for N4 repairs.
Two withdrawals took place on March 28th; 46022 was withdrawn because of a generator failure, it had only left Swindon on March 4th! 46038 had also suffered a generator failure and was subsequently withdrawn. It moved from Finsbury Park to Stratford during May 1982.
March 22nd 1982 - A day in the life of the Class 46's
A TOPS listing for the allocation of Gateshead's locomotives on March 22nd 1982 at about 10.42pm provides an interesting look at the status of the remaining 34 members of the Class 46 fleet.
46004 4S93 Felixstowe/Parkestone - Millerhill, 46004 forward from Dringhouses, restricted working - no train heating
46009 1S72 22.30 Kings Cross - Edinburgh
46010 at Stratford DRS for an exam - locomotive reported with lighting problems (noted March 7th at SF with No.1 nose crown removed)
46011 available at York, light engine from Healey Mills earlier that day
46014 6F51 21.30 Tyne Yard - Bishopriggs (for the Shell depot), restricted working - no train heating (reporting code should be 6S51?)
46016 1S66 20.15 Kings Cross - Edinburgh
46017 available at Tyne Yard T&RS (noted Holbeck at 04.10 after working E26)
46018 stopped at Gateshead for repairs - awaiting materials, main/auxiliary compressor problem
46021 4S82 Tees - Millerhill (20.24 off Newcastle, air brake only)
46022 for movement Saltley - Toton for repair, code EFZ (electrical problems- relays?), restricted working - no train heating (would be withdrawn on March 28th)
46023 stopped at Gateshead for scheduled exam
46025 available at Manchester Victoria (light diesel from Red Bank), restricted working - vacuum brake available only
46026 available at Gateshead, previously light diesel from Tyne Yard
46027 1V50 20.00 Newcastle - Bristol
46028 available at Scunthorpe Frodingham, previously light diesel from Scunthorpe BSC
46029 1V46 22.09 Leeds - Bristol parcels/mail (noted Holbeck at 19.45 arriving from Neville Hill after working 1E63)
46031 stopped at Gateshead for exam due to complete loss of power
46032 at Derby Works, withdrawn listed with generator problem
46033 stopped at Gateshead (ex York Klondyke) for investigation of train heating equipment problems, awaiting materials
46035 at Tinsley for scheduled exam
46036 1E38 Bristol - Newcastle, forward from Gloucester at 20.32
46037 available at Banbury (previously light diesel from Oxford), restricted working - no train heating available
46038 at Finsbury Park (ex Kings Cross), not available - main generator problems (withdrawn March 28th)
46039 at Gateshead, not available, problem with train heating equipment, awaiting materials
46044 1E70 Newton Abbot or Exeter - Leeds, forward from Gloucester at 18.01
46045 available at Loughborough, was recently at Millerhill
46046 4S86 19.10 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT (locomotive to Tyne Yard and changed per diagram)
46047 available at Edinburgh off 3S35 (Kings Cross area) on restricted working - no train heating available
46049 available at York (previously light diesel from Tyne Yard), restricted working - no train heating available
46050 at Toton for investigation of exhaust problems, (previous working from Acton Yard?)
46051 3M06 at Manchester Victoria (ex York), available (previously noted Holbeck at 04.00 light engine from Neville Hill)
46052 available at Gateshead
46055 dead in transit in the 8E09 19.05 Toton - Whitemoor, restricted working - no train heating and requiring attention to body, bogie & underframes - to Stratford DRS for attention?
46056 available at Gateshead
April 1982
During the month the boiler on 46004 was isolated.
46006 & 46007 were noted stored at York whilst 46025 had reached Stratford DRS to receive the power unit from fire damaged 46036. This damage had occurred at Rotherham on April 23rd whilst working a Newcastle - Poole service. It was moved to Stratford DRS late in April for the aforementioned power unit swap and also to surrender its bogies to 46018, withdrawal for 46036 took place during May 1982.
46040 was broken up at Derby during April, leaving the Works without any 46s present.
May 1982
Two locomotives reached Swindon during May, 46001 from Stratford DRS on May 26th and 46002 arrived May 14th.
May 15th saw the last runs of certain locomotive hauled NE/SW services, suitably headboard adorned locomotives powered the many last runs prior to HSTs taking over the next day. Only five services now remained locomotive hauled on the NE/SW route.
June 1982
The boiler of 46033 was isolated during June.
July 1982
The boiler of 46017 was isolated during July.
46001 was broken up at Swindon Works during late July.
August 1982

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover.
Withdrawn 46006 stands at York on August 12th 1982. The fading paintwork and rusty patches tell of its time on the Western Region and its lengthening time out of service. 46006 had been withdrawn during January 1982, it would remain at York until November when it moved to Stratford DRS, then onto Swindon and being broken up during July 1985.

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover.
In contrast to the above view on the same day 46017 arrives at York with an unidentified service. 46017 had spent about a year out of service at Swindon from November 1980 - November 1981 before returning to service for just over two more years active duty before final retirement in April 1984.

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover.
A fine view of 46047 and a lengthy train of steel products at Tees Yard on August 18th 1982. In the final years of the Class 46's many miles were run in freight service.
October 1982
October was a rough month for the Class 46s - 46034 was broken up at Swindon Works whilst 46050/55/56 were withdrawn, all reported with multiple faults.
October 4th saw further upgrading of the Midland Mainline services, an influx of HSTs taking over about half the diagrams, relieving the problems associated with the summer shortage of Class 45/1s, allowing for further cascading of locomotives, no doubt impacting the useage of the dwindling Class 46 fleet.
November 1982
Movements during November included four locomotives being received at Swindon Works: 46006 & 46007 on November 10th from York by 37228, later seen on November 15th behind 31218 (from ??), 46036 & 46038 from Stratford DRS on November 9th.
46030 was broken up at Swindon Works during November.
December 1982
The boiler of 46009 was isolated during December.
46008 & 46042 were broken up at Swindon Works.
46049 was withdrawn during December and stored at York from December 12th, 1982 to February 1983. It would be noted at Healey Mills in June 1983.
46056 was stored at Stratford DRS from December 1982 to June 1983.

All categories arranged chronologically
46021 (16th), 46029 (30th)
46031 (24th) flashover
46033 (19th), 46004 (20th) collision
46039 (23rd) worn tyres, 46009 to Research Department
46023 (27th)
46051 bogie faults, 46016 (31st) wiring faults, 46018
Broken Up: (all at Swindon unless noted)
January: 46036.
August: 46019, 46031, 46041 & 46054.
September: 46048.
October: 46022.
46031 arrived Swindon May 6th (withdrawn April 24th).
46033 arrived Swindon October 24th, routed via Tinsley & Gloucester.
46051 arrived Swindon November 30th under its own power and withdrawn.
46004 arrived Swindon December 6th.

Photograph courtesy Mark Cook.
Its March 26th 1983 and the sidings at Stratford DRS contain 46021 and possibly 46029. Both had been withdrawn during January and sent down to Stratford for component exchange with other Class 46's. 46021 has received some minor collision damge, no doubt the reason for her withdrawal.
46050 & 46055 at Healey Mills late March to June.
46021 & 46029 at Stratford DRS during June 1983.
46033 at Gateshead in June after withdrawal.
46018 at Tinsley during December after withdrawal.

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover.
Another view inside Thornaby depot, this time of 46046 on July 10th 1983. It appears that the leading pony axle has been removed from the bogie to receive attention. 46046 has another ten months in service, being retired during May 1984.
Works Attention:
46046 Derby Works in January early February for minor (N4) repairs.
46009 Stratford DRS in August received power unit from 46004.
46047 Derby Works during October 1983 for a main generator replacement.

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover.
46056 was withdrawn during October 1982 and spent December 1982 - June 1983 at Stratford DRS. It is seen here on April 22nd 1983 at Stratford awaiting its final move to Swindon. Minor damage has been sustained to the sandbox and the metalwork below the intake grill.
46004 assisted failed 47404 on a Leeds Poole service, being noted through Chesterfield sometime in April.
46004 June 20th working a Newcastle - Scunthorpe coke train collided with 31326 at York and was retired six days later.
46018 was derailed all wheels working the 1E99 Liverpool Scarborough at Salford on August 19th.
October 1983
The boiler of 46014 was isolated during October.
December 1983
46023 received Research Dept #97402 and based at Toton, though the Research number was never carried. Withdrawn from Departmental service October 1984, remaining at Toton as a spares source. Broken up Crewe Gresty Lane March 1994 after purchased from BR as a spares source.

All categories arranged chronologically
April: (3) 46017, 46032, 46044.
May: (3) 46014, 46028, 46046.
June: (1) 46037.
September: (2) 46047, 46052.
November: (6) 46010, 46011, 46025, 46026, 46027, 46035, 46045.
Broken Up: (all at Swindon unless noted)
April: 46051
May: 46043
July: 46009 at Old Dalby by Vic Berry
August: 46016
September: 46002
October: 46033
November: 46055
December: 46020 (after four years at Swindon Works)
46016 March from Tinsley to Tyseley, then to Bescot on 21st with 08893, there attaching 25104/24 (from Crewe) by 29th at Gloucester and at Swindon Works the next day.
46018 March 2nd 3rd moved from Tinsley to Stratford DRS.
46018 Stratford DRS to Swindon June 4th with 46014/17/44 as 9Z28 22.30 from Stratford.
46028/37/46 moved into Tinsley maintenance depot by 37100 on July 9th.
Works Attention:
May 1984
46039 which had been at Thornaby since December 1983 was moved on May 23rd 1984 as the 9Z45 20.45 Thornaby - Gloucester, arriving at Swindon by May 30th
July 1984
46009 was withdrawn during July (from Research Service), still bearing its original number. Its withdrawal was precipitated by its use on July 17, 1984 in a CEGB Atomic flask crash test demonstration, using Flatrol DB550019 at the Old Dalby test track. It was broken up on site after the test by Vic Berry, Leicester.

Class 46 Survivors
As 1984 opened there were fifteen Class 46s remaining in service, working primarily over the North East/South West route, but also active on the East Coast Main Line and other locations such as Blackpool, Liverpool and Hereford to name but three. They were allocated to both passenger and freight workings. This continued ability to range far and wide was in part due to their similarity to the Class 45s. Most train crews who were familiar with the Class 45s also had traction knowledge on the Class 46s. It was only in the late 1970s that train crews would receive training on the Class 45s but not the Class 46s as the latter were recognised by then to have a short lifespan.
In particular a number of freight workings were regular longer distance turns for the Class 46's almost to the very end. These turns included:
6V06 16.52 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Jct mixed freight Speedlink
4V73 18.55 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT Freightliner
18.20 Severn Tunnel Junction - Bescot
19.10 Severn Tunnel Junction - Haverton Hill Speedlink.
In between the above turns the following were frequently worked by the Class 46's
04.20 Severn Tunnel Junction - Bristol Ashton Junction and 08.30 return
09.30 Severn Tunnel Junction - Margam and 14.45 return
12.50 Severn Tunnel Junction - Stoke Gifford/Kingsland Road and 14.40 return.
The Freightliner, Speedlink and ballast jobs remained favourites with the Class 46's until the very end. For the passenger workings the requirement for ETH equipped locomotives on many diagrams was definately a limiting factor in the use of the Class 46's.
For the year 1984 the final days of the Class 46s are recorded below by individual locomotive rather than chronologically. In compiling the information there is most certainly a debt of gratitude owed to the maintenance staff at Gateshead, Thornaby, Tinsley, Toton and other depots who kept these machines running for as long as they did.
The information provided in this section is partially presented in two formats - a straightforward paragraph or two detailing the maintenance issues incurred by the locomotives and then a tabular listing of known workings interspersed (in red) with the downtime sustained by the locomotives. This is not a comprehensive listing of each locomotive's workimgs & downtime, but rather an indication of where they went, some of the workings they were on and of the maintenance issues they encountered.
The dates in the tabular information are month/day/year and the workings listed assume that the locomotive may not have worked throughout.
46010 (147)
After brake trouble at Toton on March 7th and loss of power at Newton Heath on 20th, it was stopped at Toton on the 26th for tests, being released on April 2nd. It was at Tinsley by 4th for coolant system repairs, spending the rest of April and May there. It was finally released on June 3rd but failed at Severn Tunnel Junction on 12th with turbo charger problems, after forwarding to Gateshead it returned to traffic by June 21st. July 9th saw it stopped at York with bogie trouble, it was released on 19th after attention at Thornaby. A trip to South Wales ended with coolant and air leaks and being sidelined July 23rd - 26th, when it traveled to Leicester, being stopped there until 31st with power unit problems. Released on August 3rd it reached Bristol the next day, to be stopped with engine faults. It was forwarded to Gateshead and released by 13th. An oil leak at Exeter on August 20th saw it return to Gateshead to await materials. These were not forthcoming, withdrawal came on November 4th having not turned a wheel since its arrival from Exeter ten weeks earlier.
Noted Tyne Yard December 1st(?) with 46026/35/52 and moved as 19.15 to Doncaster on November 29th with 46035 as power. Between December 1984 and late August 1986 the locomotive was in the Doncaster Works scraplines, before being removed to the yards by the station.

Photograph courtesy Barrie Watkins.
Its an overcast and gloomy February 23rd 1984 as a grimy, work stained 46010 heads a train of cement tankers through Leamington Spa. It was somewhat unusual to have a Peak on this train, which was usually a Class 47 or occasionally a Class 40. The working is the empty tanks from Greaves siding, about 8 miles south of Leamington, to Earles siding, at Hope in Derbyshire.
01/03/84 1E21 14.05 Plymouth - Leeds parcels
01/28/84 1E06 09.05 Liverpool Lime Street - Scarborough (as far as York)
01/28/84 1M74 17.00 York - Manchester Victoria
01/29/84 1E97 08.00 Manchester Victoria - Scarborough
01/29/84 1M59 19.05 Scarborough - Manchester Victoria
02/03/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/18/84 noted Bristol Bath Road
02/29/84 7Z49 Peak Forest - Bow loaded stone
03/03/84 noted St Pancras with daytime parcels train from the north
03/05/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
03/10/84 3E02 00.02 Derby - Leeds mail
Stopped Toton March 26th - April 2nd.
04/02/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
Stopped Tinsley April 4th - June 3rd.
05/28/84 1V97 16.02 Newcastle - Bristol Parcels (conflicts with above item)
06/09/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth) failed at Gloucester (defective turbocharger), replaced by 45150
(06/12/84 13.00 Scunthorpe - Aberdeen Speedlink with 56118 - included 46010 dead - to Gateshead?)
06/22/84 1V45 NE/SW service, noted at Birmingham New Street at night
06/23/84 22.35 Newcastle - Paignton 46010 & 47283 (Cl.47 presumed the train locomotive, 46010 added from Bristol?)
06/28/84 noted between Darlington and Newcastle with northbound passenger service.
07/02/84 noted Saltley depot
07/03/84 noted Saltley depot
07/08/84 noted Gateshead depot
07/12/84 20052 + 47425 + 46010 9N20 York to Gateshead depot light engine movement
Stopped York & Thornaby July 9th - July 19th.
Stopped South Wales July 23rd - July 26th
Stopped Leicester July 31st - August 3rd
08/03/84 1V57 22.35 Newcastle - Paignton
Stopped Bristol (engine faults) & Gateshead August 4th - August 13th (at Tinsley August 12th)
08/08/84 stabled Saltley
08/12/84 stabled Tinsley & Gateshead
08/13/84 stabled Gateshead
08/17/84 7C31 10.20 Llanwern - Margam, bogie steel wagons, mostly empties
Stopped Exeter (oil leak) August 20th - to Gateshead and withdrawn November 4th
(flk 1217)
46011 (148)
March 1st saw it failed at Tyseley with loss of power. It was forwarded to York on 2nd and released that weekend. The 23rd saw it at Gateshead with power problems, next day it was at Thornaby for tyre turning, where it was on decision at month end. It was sent to Stratford DRS on April 11th for tyre turning, having swapped bogies with 46044 (withdrawn April 8th 1984), it was released just before Easter. It was stopped May 20th - 25th at Gateshead for brake work. June 22nd saw it suffer minor derailment damage which was repaired at Cricklewood. It was stopped at Bristol on 29th with low power, being released on July 2nd. From 6th - 10th it was at Toton for voltage regulator work. Brake problems stopped it at York on 19th, thence to Gateshead for attention, and released on 26th. August was trouble free except for 20th - 23rd when it was stopped at York with exhaust faults. Arrived Bescot September 18th with a power earth fault, sent to Gateshead and released on 28th. Stopped on October 4th - 5th with air leaks. Arrived Tinsley on 17th with minor fire damage, which was repaired by November 5th. It journeyed over the NE/SW route into South Wales a couple of times before failing at Margam on 16th with a power fault. It was sent directly to Swindon Works on November 22nd. Broken up late January 1986.
01/07/84 at Newton Heath
01/21/84 at Gateshead
02/19/84 at Thornaby
02/21/84 eastbound through Cardiff on coal/coke wagons
02/28/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
Stopped Tyseley & York March 1st - March 4th
Stopped Gateshead, Thornaby & Stratford March 23rd - April 20th?
04/26/84 6S78 18.20 Severn Tunnel Junction - Mossend to ??
04/27/84 noted Severn Tunnel Junction on short freight
05/02/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
05/06/84 at Frodingham depot
05/16/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
Stopped Gateshead May 20th - May 25th
05/29/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
06/01/84 8E70 Loughborough - York loaded ballast
06/07/84 westbound at Derby with loaded bogie wagons with steel loads
06/15/84 1V49 (or 1V31) 14.20 York - Plymouth (loco changed at Bristol Temple Meads?)
06/16/84 1V86 13.44 Birmingham - Paignton
06/21/84 Church Yard sidings (St Pancras) derailed during early afternoon, repaired Cricklewood
Stopped Bristol June 29th - July 2nd
07/03/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
07/04/84 6E64 Severn Tunnel Junction Haverton Hill Speedlink
07/05/84 1M84 1710 Sheffield - Nottingham
Stopped Toton July 6th - July 10th
07/10/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
07/18/84 9C30 10.40 Margam - Severn Tunnel Junction, loaded bogie steel wagons
Stopped York & Gateshead July 19th - July 26th
07/27/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
07/31/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
08/03/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
08/11/84 12.20 Newquay - Leeds.
08/13/84 14.13 Portsmouth Harbour - York (seen at Derby)
Stopped York (exhaust system) August 20th - August 23rd
08/30/84 northbound at Hereford with a Llanwern - Dee marsh steel coils
08/31/84 1E50 17.09 Bristol Temple Meads Leeds relief
09/01/84 1S15 17.18 Newcastle - Edinburgh
09/07/84 Llanwern - Dee Marsh loaded steel
09/07/84 Dee Marsh - Llanwern steel empties
09/06/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
09/12/84 1C82 Plymouth - Bristol
09/16/84 1M60 13.10 Plymouth - Manchester Piccadilly to Birmingham New Street
Stopped Bescot & Gateshead September 18th - September 26th? (sources say 28th)
09/27/84 6E64 Severn Tunnel Junction Haverton Hill Speedlink
09/27/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
09/28/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
09/29/84 Taunton - Plymouth, 09.11SO Manchester-Newquay having replaced 47215 at Taunton
10/09/84 9C30 10.40 Margam - Severn Tunnel Junction
10/10/84 noted light engine at Cardiff General, eastbound
10/15/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
10/16/84 6E64 Severn Tunnel Junction Haverton Hill Speedlink loco stopped at Tapton Jct on fire, assisted by 56013.
Stopped Tinsley October 17th - November 5th
11/07/84 noted Hereford on northbound tanks & soutbound scrap metal
11/09/84 1E21 14.15 Plymouth Leeds parcels.
11/15/84 09.30 Severn Tunnel Junction - Margam, later failed at Margam with electrical power and control equipment problems.
Stopped Margam November 16th - to Bristol Bath Road on November 22nd & to Swindon & withdrawn November 25th
flk 1217
46014 (151)
Stopped at Gateshead since February 23rd with electrical trouble. To Thornaby on March 8th and pronounced fit by 13th. Next day it was at Bescot waiting a decision to shop. Noted 21st at Gloucester on route to Swindon Works, arrived 26th for main generator repairs. Released just before Easter after repairs completed. By April 23rd was at Saltley with engine problems, noted being towed south through Oxford on April 26th by 56074 on its way to Stratford, arriving by May 1st for a power unit change? The exchange was denied and locomotive condemned on May 6th. Sent to Swindon Works on June 4th with 46017/18/44 as 9Z28 22.30 Stratford - Swindon Works. Broken up January/February 1986.
01/17/84 6V23 Tunstead - Margam Abbey South loaded stone
02/18/84 Pengam FLT - Glasgow FLT freightliner, additional
02/21/84 6V23 Tunstead - Margam Abbey South loaded stone
Stopped Gateshead/Thornaby February 23rd - March 13th
Stopped Bescot/Swindon Works March 14th - April 20th?
Stopped Saltley April 23rd - to Stratford May 1st and withdrawn May 6th.

Photograph courtesy Greg Hudson.
56074 heads south on April 26th 1984 through Oxford with a rather grubby 46014 in tow, headed for Stratford and a bleak future.
46017 (154)
Stabled at Gateshead since February 21st with battery problems. Released on March 7th but by 19th is back at Gateshead with low power. Released on 21st but is back the next day with minor collision damage. Remained here until April 11th, when it is moved to York, then to March on 17th. Condemned on April 22nd and moved to Stratford on 25th, surrendering its power unit to 46052. To Swindon June 4th with 46014/18/44 as 9Z28 22.30 from Stratford. Broken up Swindon Works middle of May 1986.
12/07/83 07.45 Washwood Heath - Garston Dock
02/07/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/15/84 at Newcastle Central with cement tanks (northbound?)
02/16/84 at Barley Mow on freight (tube wagons?)
Stopped Gateshead February 21st - March 7th
03/08/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
03/15/84 5E02 Derby Etches Park - York Carriage Works ecs
Stopped Gateshead March 19th - March 21st
03/21/84 minor collision with 40177 at Tyne Yard
Stopped Gateshead March 22nd - to York, March & Stratford, withdrawn April 22nd.
46025 (162)
Resident at Stratford DRS since February 27th, released March 8th. Stopped Gateshead 26th-29th with loss of power. Received engine governor attention. To Thornaby for wheel turning April 14th -18th. Back at Gateshead by end of month. Moved to York on May 13th reaching Stratford on 23rd for power unit repairs. Spent June and July 1984 at Stratford. Finally released on August 6th only to be forwarded to Gateshead for cylinder liner attention, arriving 14th. To traffic on 22nd but failed that day at Holbeck with low power. To York for repair, entering service at end of August Bank Holiday. Noted Bristol on September 16th with collision damage, to York on 25th where approval was given to repair. To Gateshead by 27th, released October 2nd. Visited ScR on 25th. Ran until 29th when stopped at Gateshead with cylinder liner troubles. Released November 1st. At beginning of November it worked over the NE/SW route into South Wales, Leicester was visited on 12th and Buxton on 21st, where it failed with loss of power. Arrived Doncaster at breakfast time on 26th, under its own power(?). Broken up Doncaster March/April 1985.
01/23/84 northbound past Saltley hauling HST service
02/04/84 13.15 Birmingham - Norwich (as far as Peterborough, replaced by 31401)
02/09/84 14.10 Kings Cross - Edinburgh parcels
02/10/84 1E53 13.24 Llandudno - Scarborough (to York) (normally a Class 45/1 working)
02/15/84 at Newcastle with a parcels train (for Bristol?)
02/16/84 noted Bristol Bath Road
Stopped Stratford February 27th - March 8th
Stopped Gateshead March 26th - March 29th
Stopped Tinsley April 14th - April 18th
Stopped Gateshead/York/Stratford April 30th - August 6th
Stopped Gateshead (cylinder liner) August 14th - August 22nd
Stopped Holbeck (low power) /York August 22nd - August 24th? (reported back to traffic after Bank Holiday)
08/25/84 1M66 07.25 Newcastle - Blackpool
08/25/84 1E34 13.40 Blackpool - York
08/29/84 6E68 Wolverhampton Steel Terminal Scunthorpe empties
08/31/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
09/08/84 1V80 08.21 Bradford Exchange - Paignton
09/15/84 1V45 Birmingham New Street - Bristol or further (could be 9/14)
09/15/84 1M22 11.28 Paignton - Manchester
09/16/84 1V65 08.54 Wolverhampton - Weston Super Mare
Stopped Bristol/York/Gateshead September 16th - October 2nd
10/03/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
10/04/84 1V97 16.03 Newcastle Bristol Temple Meads mail
10/05/84 1M84 17.10 Sheffield - Nottingham
10/15/84 6E64 Severn Tunnel Junction Haverton Hill Speedlink
10/22/84 1V50 20.00 Newcastle - Bristol mail
Stopped Gateshead October 29th - November 1st
11/04/84 noted Severn Tunnel Jct depot (next to 25322)
11/05/84 light engine Severn Tunnel Junction - Stoke Gifford
11/05/84 10.24 Stoke Gifford - Severn Tunnel Junction
11/10/84 noted through Chesterfield on southbound steel loads.
Stopped Buxton November 21st - to Doncaster Works and withdrawn November 25th.
46026 (163)
Worked last passenger train to Consett March 17th. Arrived Derby April 3rd with traction motor problems, moved to Toton the next day. Released on April 30th. Back at Gateshead May 4th - 11th for bogie attention returning by 15th with auxiliary earth fault, released on 17th. Noted Crewe at end of May. Suffered from flat batteries in June, being stopped at York on 7th and March on 23rd. On June 17 it worked the Class 46 Tribute tour out of Liverpool Street to SR destinations. July 7th - 12th stopped at Gateshead for cylinder head work. Held at York on 20th for brake work, then stopped at Penzance with low coolant. Returned to service on July 25th. Noted Exeter August 17th after main generator flashover, forwarded to Gateshead arriving 24th. Released by Gateshead on September 12th but battery problems continued until 18th. Returned to Gateshead on 23rd with power unit problems. Released October 12th, next noted at Bescot with camshaft problems on 23rd. Forwarded to Gateshead and released November 1st. Whilst visiting the South West it encountered fuel problems on 6th, later failing at Severn Tunnel Junction with flat batteries on 9th. Moved to Gateshead and repaired. Its last duty was deputising for a failed Class 40 on the Grampian Highlander railtour, working the Derby - Newcastle leg on Saturday November 17th. Condemnation came at Gateshead with main generator, traction motor and power earth faults. Noted Tyne Yard December 1st(?) with 46010/35/52 and moved as 19.15 to Doncaster on November 29th with 46035 as power. Broken up Doncaster Feb/March 1985.
01/11/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
01/15/84 noted Manchester Victoria on Red Bank van working
01/17/84 1M74 17.00 York - Manchester Victoria
02/08/84 1M74 17.00 York - Manchester Victoria (to Leeds, replaced by 45129)
03/03/84 1E06 Liverpool - Newcastle(?)
03/05/84 8E96 Crewe - Treeton coal
03/15/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
03/15/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
03/17/84 Newcastle - Consett railtour
03/18/84 southbound at York with a freightliner
03/20/84 southbound at Chesterfield with a test train
03/26/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
04/02/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
04/02/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
Stopped Derby/Toton April 3rd - April 30th
04/28/84 1V41 York - Plymouth (noted Bristol)
Stopped Gateshead May 4th - May 11th
05/11/84 20.00 Newcastle - Bristol mail, failed at York & removed
05/12/84 noted York depot
Stopped Gateshead May 15th - May 17th
05/22/84 7Z51 Bescot - Tinsley mixed goods
05/29/84 1V31 10.30 York - Plymouth relief
05/29/84 17.06 Bristol - Leeds
06/02/84 Exhibit at Crewe Works Open Day
06/08/84 Healey Mills - Warrington Speedlink
06/09/84 1M51 08.00 York - Blackpool
06/09/84 1E71 12.15 Blackpool - Newcastle
06/18/84 3V46 22.03 Leeds - Bristol Temple Meads parcels
06/21/84 6V81 Doncaster Belmont - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
06/23/84 noted March depot
06/24/84 worked Class 46 Tribute railtour
06/26/84 6V06 Healey Mills - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
06/27/84 short freight for St Blazey (noted Lostwithiel)
06/30/84 1M51 08.00 York - Blackpool
06/30/84 1E71 12.15 Blackpool - Newcastle
07/03/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
07/06/84 1V48 20.30 Newcastle Newquay
07/07/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth)
Stopped Gateshead July 7th - July 12th
07/13/84 noted Gateshead depot
07/14/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth) only to Derby, replaced by 45038
07/17/84 6V06 Healey Mills - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
07/19/84 9C30 10.40 Margam - Severn Tunnel Junction, loaded bogie steel wagons
07/21/84 1M66 07.25 Newcastle - Blackpool
07/21/84 1E34 13.40 Blackpool - York
07/23/84 1V31 10.30 York - Penzance relief
07/27/84 1V56 22.37 Bradford - Paignton (FO)
07/27/84 1E75 15.21 Bristol Temple Meads - York (additional)
07/28/84 on NE/SW route (noted Derby northbound)
07/31/84 1M84 17.10 Sheffield - Nottingham
08/01/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
08/03/84 1V48 20.30 Newcastle - Newquay
08/04/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth)
08/08/84 1V31 10.30 York - Plymouth relief
08/11/84 1M76 08.55 Newquay - Manchester Piccadilly (from Plymouth?)
Stopped Exeter (main generator flashover) /Gateshead August 17th - September 12th
09/16/84 noted Gateshead depot
09/18/84 11.25 Newcastle - Liverpool
09/18/84 1E59 18.05 Liverpool Lime Street - Newcastle
09/19/84 4S68 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
09/22/84 1E31 14:13 Portsmouth - York, from Birmingham New Street
Stopped Gateshead September 23rd - October 12th
10/18/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
Stopped Bescot/Gateshead October 23rd - November 1st
11/02/84 1V49 14.20 York Plymouth relief
11/03/84 1Z45 04.00 Plymouth - Kings Lynn 'Lynn Liner' and return railtour
11/05/84 noted Cardiff Canton depot
11/09/84 ?? - Severn Tunnel Junction - also noted at Margam
11/17/84 1Z09 21.30 of 11/16 Grampian Highlander railtour, Derby - Newcastle leg
Stopped Gateshead November 18th? - withdrawn November 25th
46027 (164)
Dogged by battery problems early in April. At Gateshead on 16th for brake work. Finally released on 30th after a long wait for material. Arrived Gateshead May 10th with flat batteries, promptly fixed. By May 31st was at Peterborough with air brake defect, to Gateshead on June 1st for attention. Released on 6th but by June 10th is at York with bogie problems. Forwarded to Thornaby for attention and is released on July 9th. Stopped at Cardiff on 16th with bogie and traction motor problems. To York on 25th for a decision, then to Thornaby on 27th for repair. Moved to Gateshead on August 28th to await components. Stopped at Gateshead for all of September, finally released October 9th, but immediately failed with traction motor faults. To traffic on 11th but back at Gateshead on 23rd with low power. Back to traffic on October 31st. Worked in the Midlands/South Yorkshire surviving a loss of power problem at Saltley on 23rd to make it to the last weekend in the North East. On morning of November 26th worked empty coaching stock from Tyne Yard to York, from where it ran light engine to Doncaster, the last to run in BR service. After the removal of 46010 from Doncaster Works in late August 1986 this would be the last 46 at Doncaster Works, but by which time it had been joined by seven Class 45s from Toton. Noted Goole, stored September 1986.
01/28/84 Plymouth - Exeter, assisting failed HST
01/31/84 Ebbw Vale - Corby coke working (?) via Birmingham & Leicester)
02/02/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/18/84 noted Bristol Bath Road
03/02/84 noted Bristol Bath Road
03/20/84 6V81 Doncaster Belmont - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
03/23/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
04/04/84 1E21 14.05 Plymouth - Leeds parcels
04/06/84 15.30 St Blazey - Carlisle freight
Stopped Gateshead April 16th - April 30th
05/02/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
05/03/84 noted passing through Swindon
05/09/84 light engines north through Chesterfield, 56017+46027
05/14/84 noted Park Lane (??) freightliner working
Stopped Peterborough & Gateshead May 31st - June 6th
Stopped York & Thornaby June 10th - July 9th
Stopped Cardiff, York, Thornaby & Gateshead July 16th - October 9th
10/13/84 2P22 18.53 York - Scarborough
10/13/84 1L37 20.07 Scarborough - York
10/15/84 8E70 Loughborough York ballast
10/16/84 7M41 12.42 Dewsbury Blue Circle - Earles Sidings empty cement
10/17/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
Stopped Gateshead October 23rd - October 31st
11/01/84 noted eastbound at Cardiff with a block oil train
11/09/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
11/23/84 Saltley 'A' exam completed
11/23/84 6V36 16.00 Longbridge - Morris Cowley, Oxford
11/23/84 4S64 21.05 Cowley - Bathgate cars
11/24-26/84 assumed - 4M77 14.20 Bathgate - Millerhill - Washwood Heath empties, as far as Tyne Yard, taken forward by 47307
11/26/84 Tyne Yard - York empty coaching stock (morning)
11/26/84 York - Doncaster light engine.
Stopped Doncaster in working order November 26th - withdrawn November 26th

Photograph courtesy Tony Zayachkivsky.
Class 46 No. 46027 westbound through Edinburgh Waverley on the morning of November 24th 1984 with the previous evening's Morris Cowley - Bathgate cars.

Photograph collection of webmaster.
After arriving under its own power at Doncaster, and entering the Works for scrapping, 46027 lingered intact long enough to leave the Works and be placed in storage at Goole, where its seen here on October 18th 1986.
46028 (165)
At turn of February and March was at Gateshead with battery problems, but released on 2nd. At Gateshead 13th-16th. By 27th was at Toton for tests which are completed by April 3rd. At Gateshead 13th-19th for brake work. By May 1st was at Laira with fire damage, sustained whilst hauling the failed 08.10 Newcastle - Plymouth HST, moved to York on 10th and Gateshead 15th where it is condemned on May 27th. To Doncaster Works September 18th with 46037/46. Broken up February 1986.
Stopped Gateshead March 13th - March 16th
Stopped Toton March 27th - April 3rd
04/09/84 9M63 Healey Mills - Toton mixed goods
Stopped Gateshead April 13th - April 19th
05/01/84 08.10 Newcastle - Plymouth HST, assisting on WR, caught fire
Stopped Laira May 1st, then to York & Gateshead and withdrawn May 27th
46032 (169)
Stopped at Gateshead since Feb 15th with power and wheelslip problems, being released on March 9th but was back the next day with power trouble. Released the next weekend it was kept on local work for the next week. By month end it was at Bristol Bath Road as a spare locomotive. To Thornaby on April 25th with fire damage, moved to York by 30th where it was condemned. To Stratford on May 1st for cannibalisation. Left Stratford for Doncaster Works on September 30th, spending month of October en route at March. Finally arrived Doncaster Works on November 15th. Broken up Doncaster April to August 1985.
01/03/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
01/03/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
01/06/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/02/84 06.38 Newcastle - Carlisle (DMU replacement)
02/02/84 08.55 Carlisle - Newcastle (DMU replacement)
02/08/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/10/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
02/10/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
02/11/84 noted Birmingham New Street on NE/SW mail train
Stopped Gateshead February 15th - March 9th
04/04/84 1V97 16.15 Newcastle - Bristol Temple Meads mail
04/19/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
Stopped after movement to Thornaby April 25th, then to York and withdrawn April 29th.
46035 (172)
Stopped on March 21st with brake difficulties, then required new governor. Released two days later. Nothing to report for April. No major problems for May, locomotive was well travelled and visited South Wales (3rd, 11th & 12th), Scotland (15/16th), Exeter (30th). Suffered a hot axlebox on WR, noted Laira from June 14th - 25th. At Swindon on 27th with loss of power, but quickly rectified, July 1st - 3rd back at Laira with power unit problems, to traffic on 5th. Stopped at Margam on 16th with loss of power, sent to Gateshead and released on 24th. By 27th at Gloucester with a shut down engine. This was cured by August 2nd, the rest of the month was spent in service in the Midlands, South Wales and Manchester area. September 5th - 10th at Neville Hill with brake faults. It returned here at month end with power faults, eventually released October 2nd. Stopped at Bristol on 4/5th with load regulator problems, by month end was working in Derby/ Sheffield area. Also noted in Scotland and then South Wales on November 16th, reached Buxton by 19th, leaving on 21st for the final few days in the North East. It arrived at Gateshead on 25th under its own power, to be finally turned off.
Noted Tyne Yard December 1st (?) with 46010/26/52 and moved as 19.15 to Doncaster on November 29th powered by 46035, which then ran light to Derby. After withdrawal from BR stock in November 1984 it was reinstated in December under Research # 97403. During May 1985 it was modified at Toton for wheelslip tests, being repainted and named Ixion. It would be the first preserved diesel to run on BR October 1st & 2nd, 1995.
01/19/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
01/30/84 Cobra coke containers from Wakefield to ?
02/10/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
03/05/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
03/07/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT - Pengam FLT freightliner
03/08/84 6E64 Severn Tunnel Junction - Haverton Hill Speedlink
03/09/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
Stopped Gateshead March 21st - March 23rd
04/03/84 noted Severn Tunnel Junction midday
04/05/84 noted Millerhill depot
04/09/84 6V06 Healey Mills - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
04/17/84 Oxley - Etches Park empty coaching stock
04/20/84 1E21 14.05 Plymouth - Leeds parcels
05/09/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
05/10/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
05/23/84 8E70 Loughborough - York loaded ballast
05/25/84 3E07 21.55 Bristol Temple Meads - Newcastle parcels
05/29/84 1V49 14.20 York - Plymouth (loco changed at Bristol Temple Meads?)
06/01/84 18.10 Exeter - Paignton with air-conditioned stock
06/02/84 10.35 Penzance - Leeds
06/05/84 noted late afternoon Oakenshaw Junction light engine
06/10/84 noted Severn Tunnel Junction depot
Stopped Laira June 14th - June 25th
Stopped Laira July 1st - July 5th
07/07/84 1E18 12.20 Newquay - Leeds (from Plymouth)
07/11/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
07/12/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT - Pengam FLT freightliner
07/14/84 southbound through Chesterfield on covered stone hoppers
07/15/84 noted Gloucester depot
Stopped Margam & Gateshead July 16th - July 24th
07/25/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT - Pengam FLT freightliner
07/26/84 7C31 10.20 Llanwern - Margam, loaded bogie steel wagons
07/27/84 13.55 Cardiff - Leeds (full air-con stock, failed Severn Tunnel Jct, 47101 forward)
Stopped Gloucester (engine) July 27th - August 2nd
08/21/84 6E64 Severn Tunnel Junction Haverton Hill Speedlink
08/22/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
08/25/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth)
08/26/84 Heaton - Red Bank empties
09/01/84 1E79 10.05 Liverpool - Scarborough
09/01/84 1M84 14.10 Scarborough - Nottingham
09/03/84 6E42 Toton Dringhouses Speedlink
09/04/84 6E42 Toton Dringhouses Speedlink
09/05/84 noted Leeds City on mail vans
Stopped Neville Hill September 5th - September 10th
09/11/84 noted light engine Leeds station
09/21/84 1V97 16.03 Newcastle Bristol Temple Meads mail
09/22/84 1E21 Plymouth-Leeds parcels
09/23/84 1E33 17.05 Liverpool - York
09/27/84 noted Laira depot
09/30/84 Severn Tunnel Junction - St Blazey freight
10/03/84 6V06 Healey Mills Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
10/12/84 noted Gateshead depot
10/14/84 1Z35 18.52 York - Leamington extra
10/15/84 4S64 Morris Cowley Bathgate cartic loaded (also noted Saltley depot)
10/16/84 4M77 Bathgate Washwood Heath cartic empties
10/30/84 9E02 Derby Etches Park York C&W empty coaching stock (afternoon working)
10/30/84 5M01 York Clifton CS Derby Etches Park empty coaching stock (evening working)
11/09/84 6V58 Scunthorpe - Cardiff Tidal steel
11/12/84 noted Birmingham New Street (coming off passenger working)
11/16/84 09.30 Severn Tunnel Junction - Margam
11/16/84 20.00 Margam - Tunstead limestone empties
11/23/84 assigned Etches Park for special tests.
Withdrawn at Gateshead November 25th in working order.

Photograph courtesy Peter Lovell.
46035 passes through Exeter St Davids station with a Severn Tunnel Junction - St Blazey freight on September 25th 1984.
46037 (174)
Out of traffic March 3rd-14th with main generator troubles. Held at Doncaster April 18th-May 1st awaiting new speedometer. No major problems in May, worked in Leicester - Peterborough - Hitchin area (10 - 21st) and Devon & Cornwall at month end. On June 16th sustained fire damage at Kings Norton on 10.35 Penzance - Leeds and stopped at Holbeck that day. By June 19th was at Gateshead requiring many repairs including extensive traction motor work, repairs were denied and the locomotive condemned. To Doncaster Works September 18th with 46028/46. The last 46 running with operable headcodes.
01/20/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/04/84 1M74 17.00 York - Manchester Victoria
02/10/84 1E52 07.16 Manchester Victoria - York
02/10/84 6M77 York - Loughborough ballast empties
02/13/84 1M73 11.22 Newcastle - Liverpool Lime Street (normally a Class 45/1 or 47/4 working)
02/14/84 1E79 10.05 Liverpool Lime Street - Newcastle (working normally a Class 45/1 or 47/4)
02/18/84 Middlesborough - Nottingham football special (return working presumed)
02/25/84 1L20 18.40 Scarborough - Leeds (from York replacing 31428)
02/27/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
02/29/84 1V97 16.15 Newcastle - Bristol Temple Meads mail
Stopped Gateshead? March 3rd - March 14th
03/17/84 Middlesborough - Newcastle football special
03/31/84 NE/SW service
04/03/84 19.30 Bristol - Newcastle TPO
04/14/84 noted York depot & York station
Stopped Doncaster April 18th - May 1st
05/08/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
05/26/84 09.14 Brighton - Penzance from Exeter (replaced 33013)
05/28/84 08.10 Newcastle - Hayle SAGA special
06/02/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth)
06/16/84 10.35 Penzance - Leeds (fire damage at Kings Norton - dragged to Leeds with train by 45066)
Stopped Holbeck June 16th - to Gateshead and withdrawn June 26th

Photograph courtesy Peter Lovell.
46037 waits at Bristol Temple Meads on April 3rd 1984 at the head of the 19.30 Bristol Temple Meads - Newcastle TPO. The boiler is steaming nicely to bring comfort to the postal workers on the train.
46044 (181)
At Tinsley since Feb 25th requiring Works power unit attention. Arrived Swindon March 3rd for a power unit change. Released to Tinsley for traction motor repairs on 22nd, to traffic by 28th. By 30th at Leicester on decision. Moved to March on April 6th. Condemned on April 8th and arrived at Stratford DRS on 11th, to give bogies to 46011. To Swindon on June 4th with 46014/17/18 as 9Z28 22.30 from Stratford. This would be the last 46 at Swindon, being broken up October 1986.
12/31/83 10.08 Kings Cross - Edinburgh relief (worked throughout)
01/03/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
01/12/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
01/12/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
01/21/84 1M73 11.22 Newcastle - Liverpool Lime Street (normally a Class 45/1 or 47/4 working)
01/21/84 1E59 18.05 Liverpool Lime Street - York (normally a Class 45/1 or 47/4 working)
01/28/84 noted Newton Heath depot
02/02/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
02/02/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
02/09/84 1V97 16.15 Newcastle - Bristol Temple Meads mail
Stopped Tinsley/Swindon Works/Tinsley February 25th - March 28th
Stopped Leicester March 30th then to March & Stratford, withdrawn April 8th
46045 (182)
Minor attention at Gateshead March 13th-16th, by 24th was at Newton Heath with a traction motor flashover. Moved on April 18th to Tinsley for repairs to be carried out. Not released until May 30th, failing immediately and returning to Tinsley by 31st for traction motor attention, where it remained until repaired being released on July (?) 4th, but immediately failed, fixed at Tinsley by 12th. It failed the next day, returning to Tinsley and fixed by 16th. It failed at Leeds on 30th and was forwarded to Gateshead. The power faults continued into early August, not being resolved until 8th. After activity on WR by August 17th would see it stopped at Gateshead for tyre turning, this being handled at Thornaby, back to traffic by 23rd. Arrived Gateshead September 1st with power faults and remained there all month. Finally released October 10th but by 17th was failed at Haymarket with power problems. After release on 22nd it was next noted at Bescot on October 30th with similar difficulties. Returned to traffic by November 2nd, visiting the London end of the Midland mainline. Later to Sheffield and by 13th was at Liverpool. Then off to Tinsley and North East areas, was back in Birmingham/Derby area by 19th. Last few days were spent down in the South West, including working the 07.50 Bristol - Penzance, but failing at Taunton. Removed to Saltley by 56069. Noted leaving Bristol, light engine in early hours of 26th, held at Saltley. Arrived at Derby on November 27th for Research Dept use, under #97404. It was withdrawn from BR stock in November 1984, but reinstated under Research stock during December, running until 1986 when it was stored after suffering a generator flashover.
12/27/83 Middlesborough - Wadsley Bridge football special (return presumed)
01/07/84 noted at Severn Tunnel Jct
01/17/84 1A40 Newcastle - ??
03/06/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
03/09/84 1V97 16.15 Newcastle - Bristol Temple Meads mail
Stopped Gateshead March 13th - March 16th
03/23/84 6M66 Margam - Great Rocks empties
Stopped Newton Heath & Tinsley March 24th - May 30th
Stopped Tinsley May 31st - July 4th?
07/01/84 noted Severn Tunnel Junction depot??
Stopped Tinsley July 4th? - July 12th
Stopped Tinsley July 13th - July 16th
07/18/84 1M75 14.00 Scarborough - Liverpool, running late - terminated at Manchester Victoria
07/18/84 ?? Manchester Victoria - Newcastle
07/19/84 6E42 Toton - Dringhouses Speedlink
Stopped Gateshead (power problems) August 4th - August 7th
Stopped Gateshead (power problems) August 8th
08/09/84 7C31 10.20 Llanwern - Margam steel empties
08/10/84 noted westbound Speedlink working at Severn Tunnel Junction
08/13/84 noted Margam depot
Stopped Gateshead (tyre turning) & Thornaby August 17th - August 23rd
08/23/84 1V49 14.20 York - Plymouth (loco failed at Sheffield, replaced by 45048)
08/30/84 4V73 Newcastle FLT Pengam FLT freightliner
09/01/84 1M51 08.00 York - Blackpool
09/01/84 1E71 12.15 Blackpool - Newcastle
Stopped Gateshead September 1st - October 10th
Stopped Haymarket October 17th - October 22nd
10/23/84 1E82 18.15 Birmingham New Street - Norwich, to Leicester
10/26/84 eastbound through Melton Mowbray with loaded bogie ballast wagons
Stopped Bescot October 30th - November 2nd
11/08/84 1V97 16.03 Newcastle Bristol Temple Meads mail
11/09/84 2Y19 12.22 Leeds - Sheffield
11/09/84 1L18 18.01 Sheffield - Leeds (ex 13.55 Cardiff - Hull, Leeds portion)
11/13/84 1M76 14.20 Newcastle - Liverpool Lime Street
11/17/84 ?? - Kings Cross & return - Shoppers special (seen at Newark)
11/18/84 1O92 15.21 Leeds - Portsmouth Harbour (to Birmingham New Street)
11/21/84 1E21 14.15 Plymouth Leeds parcels
11/22/84 3V46 22.03 Leeds Bristol Temple Meads parcels
11/23/84 6B45 Exeter - Worcester
(11/23/84 TOPS shows assigned Etches Park for special tests).
11/24/84 07.50 Bristol - Penzance, failed at Taunton
Stopped Taunton November 24th, to Derby by November 27th for Research Dept use, withdrawn November 25th
 | Class 46 No. 46045 at the bufferstops at Kings Cross on November 17th 1984. The time on the station clock shows 7pm. The Class 46 is reported as working a shoppers special to Kings Cross this day. Presumably this evening view shows the Class 46 having brought in stock to be taken out by another locomotive. After 46045 is released did it drop on to another service or return to Finsbury Park? Photograph courtesy David Warby. |
46046 (183)
Suffered fire damage at Dainton January 12th, 1984. Spent most of March in service except March 8th-12th when it received attention at Gateshead. Hydrostatic equipment malfunction at St Blazey on April 6th shortly after exam at Laira. Repaired by 9th - noted at Exeter but sidelined at Westbury 10th-13th with minor fire damage. Noted St Blazey 16th & Cardiff Canton 17th before returning to North East. Arrived Gateshead May 1st for bogie attention but was condemned on May 6th. To Doncaster Works September 18th with 46028/37. Broken up November 1985.
01/25/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
01/27/84 6V06 Healey Mills - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
02/01/84 7Z83 Scunthorpe - Port Talbot coal empties
02/02/84 7Z82 Port Talbot - Scunthorpe coal
02/02/84 7Z83 Scunthorpe - Port Talbot coal empties
02/03/84 7Z82 Port Talbot - Scunthorpe coal
02/29/84 6V06 Healey Mills - Severn Tunnel Junction Speedlink
Stopped Gateshead March 8th - March 12th
03/15/84 southbound parcels through Chesterfield
04/03/84 09:05 St Blazey Severn Tunnel Junction speedlink
Stopped St Blazey & Laira? April 6th - April 9th
Stopped Westbury April 10th - April 13th
04/16/84 noted St Blazey depot
04/23/84 noted passing Chesterfield light engine northbound
04/24/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
04/24/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
04/28/84 noted Saltley depot
Stopped Gateshead May 1st, withdrawn May 6th
46047 (184)
At Tinsley since Feb 23rd with cylinder head problems. Released March 2nd. On 27th it was on York with brake defects, being sent to Gateshead on 30th with power faults. Repairs effected early in April, remained in service until 28th, to Gateshead for brake cylinder attention. Not released until May 25th but returned next day suffering power loss. It was released from Gateshead on June 4th, but was stopped at Derby on 8th with overheating. To York on 13th, Tinsley on 14th for cylinder liner repairs, being released on July 11th. Stopped at Laira 16th - 18th for brakework repairs. Following day failed at York with low oil pressure. Forwarded to Tinsley and released 24th. Cooling problems saw it at Gateshead on 31st, it being released on August 7th. It quickly returned with wheelslip faults, back in traffic on 10th. Worked on NE/SW route until failing at Gloucester on 21st. Released on 23rd, visiting South Wales, but failed again on August 25th (at Taunton?) and by month end was at Gloucester, was condemned September 2nd with multiple faults. Moved from Gloucester to Swindon September 4/5th. Broken up January 1986.
01/02/84 1M67 09.22 Newcastle - Liverpool Lime Street (normally a Class 45/1 or 47/4 turn)
01/02/84 09.05 Edinburgh - Plymouth relief (seen at Derby)
02/14/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
02/14/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
02/23/84 noted Saltley depot
Stopped Tinsley February 23rd - March 2nd
03/02/84 noted Stoke Prior with one parcels van
03/09/84 3E07 21.55 Bristol Temple Meads - Newcastle parcels
03/17/84 noted Kings Cross light engine (arrived with a train?)
03/17/84 noted Bounds Green depot (batteries being recharged)
Stopped York & Gateshead March 27th - April 5th?
04/06/84 4S86 Beeston FLT - Coatbridge FLT freightliner
04/12/84 NE/SW working, noted Plymouth on ecs
04/21/84 Wolverhampton - Penzance
04/23/84 Ledbury - Paignton charter (outwards only?), noted Bristol on 24th
04/25/84 Bristol - ?? northbound relief
Stopped Gateshead April 28th - May 25th
05/26/84 1E22 10.04 Newquay - Newcastle (from Plymouth)
Stopped Gateshead May 26th - June 4th
06/07/84 1V50 Newcastle - Bristol TPO
Stopped Derby, York & Tinsley June 8th - July 11th
07/13/84 10.20 Birmingham? - Paignton
07/14/84 1E32 16.45 Paignton - Leeds 46047 assisting 47188 between Paignton & Exeter
Stopped Laira July 16th - July 18th
Stopped York & Tinsley July 19th - July 24th
07/28/84 1O11 09.00 Bradford - Weymouth (to Birmingham New Street)
Stopped Gateshead July 31st - August 7th (conflict with working below)
08/04/84 15.20 Scarborough - Glasgow - failed at Berwick, removed, and replaced by 47344
08/07/84 1M19 Newcastle - ??
08/20/84 7E47 Llandarcy - Gainsborough swb oil tanks
08/21/84 6V69 Gainsborough/Tuxford Llandarcy oil tanks
Stopped Taunton or Gloucester August 21st - August 23rd
08/23/84 South Wales area
Stopped August 25th, at Gloucester by August 31st, withdrawn September 2nd

Photograph courtesy Jerry Glover.
56080 is noted at York on July 20th 1984 taking 46047 to Tinsley for repairs. 46047 had been stopped the previous day at York with low oil pressure. Its reliability had not been good during the month of July, in general this must have been one of the most unreliable Class 46's during 1984.
46052 (189)
In service apart from March 6th-15th when defective voltage regulator was repaired at Newton Heath. Suffered power unit problems in early April on Western Region, noted on Severn Tunnel Junction on 5th. Moved to Gateshead on 7th and then Stratford DRS on 10th for main generator work, which was completed by May 25th. Noted March on 29th, York on 30th en route to Gateshead, arriving June 3rd. Underwent turbo blower repairs during mid June. Released by Gateshead on July 22nd. Reached Tinsley on August 2nd with coolant problems. Immediately returned to Tinsley for further repairs (heat exchanger), back in traffic by August 13th. Suffered power loss at Nottingham on September 19th, moved from Toton to Gateshead by 22nd. Bogie attention also needed, locomotive subsequently condemned there on September 30th. Noted Tyne Yard December 1st (?) with 46010/26/35, and moved November 29, as 19.15 to Doncaster powered by 46035.
02/13/84 1M54 08.20 Leeds - Birmingham New Street
02/13/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
02/18/84 noted Gateshead depot
02/25/84 Exeter - Plymouth with hauled stock replacing failed 06.46 Newcastle - Plymouth HST at Exeter
02/27/84 1E27 14.50 Birmingham New Street - Leeds
02/29/84 noted Lawley Street (Saltley)
03/03/84 noted Sheffield Midland light engine
03/05/84 1V97 16.15 Newcastle - Bristol Temple Meads mail
Stopped Newton Heath March 6th - March 15th
04/03/84 6V23 Tunstead - Margam loaded lime cov-hops
Stopped Severn Tunnel Junction, Gateshead & Stratford April 5th - May 25th
Stopped March, York & Gateshead May 29th - July 22nd
07/25/84 4E88 Pengam FLT Newcastle FLT freightliner
07/26/84 Newcastle - Liverpool service (seen Durham)
07/27/84 1V74 08.29 Leeds/Hull - Cardiff (almost all air-con stock)
07/27/84 4E88 Pengam FLT Newcastle FLT freightliner
07/28/84 1O13 05.30 Bradford - Weymouth (to BNS)
07/28/84 1V73 09.11 Manchester Piccadilly - Newquay (from BNS)
Stopped Tinsley (coolant problems) August 2nd - August 10th (conflict below)
08/09/84 1O13 05.30 Bradford - Weymouth (to BNS)
Stopped Tinsley (coolant & heat exchanger problems) August 11th - August 13th
08/22/84 4S86 Beeston FLT Coatbridge FLT freightliner
08/24/84 noted Newark southbound & northbound with HST power car and barrier vehicle
08/26/84 1O92 15.21 Leeds - Portsmouth Harbour (to Birmingham New Street)
08/28/84 4E88 Pengam FLT Newcastle FLT freightliner
08/31/84 1V57 22.35 Newcastle - Paignton
09/01/84 1E33 09.10 Paignton - Newcastle, from Bristol
09/08/84 1O13 05.30 Bradford - Weymouth, to Birmingham New Street
09/08/84 1V73 09.11 Manchester Piccadilly - Newquay, from Birmingham New Street
09/11/84 1V50 20.00 Newcastle Bristol Temple Meads postal
09/12/84 3E07 21.55 Bristol Temple Meads Newcastle parcels
09/14/84 13.00 Scarborough - Bangor
09/15/84 06.30 Liverpool - Newcastle
09/18/84 1V97 16.03 Newcastle Bristol Temple Meads mail
09/19/84 1M84 17.10 Sheffield Nottingham, (last working?)
Stopped Toton September 19th, to Gateshead by September 22nd, withdrawn September 30th
November 1984
By the beginning of November there were seven Class 46's still on the books, each with at least 22 years of service accredited to them.
The first casualty in November was basically a non-starter - 46010 had not seen revenue earning service since August 20th, withdrawal on November 4th was just a formality. Next to go was sister 46011 which was failed at Margam on November 16th and sent from there to Swindon for scrapping. Well loved 46026 was taken out of service at Gateshead on or about November 18th with multiple faults. 46025 followed on November 21st, being stopped at Buxton. On the Western Region 46045 failed on the 24th and made its way to Derby for eventual use by the Research Dept. This left just two Class 46's in service and both would be turned off in working order. 46035 reached Gateshead on November 25th and was turned off whilst the next day 46027 worked the last Class 46 hauled train, a Tyne Yard - York empty coaching stock move. From here it ran to Doncaster for movement into the Works.
After withdrawal these locomotives did not linger long at the depots where they were taken out of service. Margam sent 46011 (22nd) to Swindon, Bristol sent 46045 (27th) to Derby, later joined by 46035 for further Research Dept use. On 26th 46025 (from Buxton) & 46027 (from York) reached Doncaster under their own power whilst on the evening of 29th 46035 towed 46010/26/52 from Tyne Yard to Doncaster before running light to Derby.
These arrivals would join 46028/32/37/46 already received at Doncaster Works for scrapping.

Broken Up: (at Swindon unless otherwise noted)
January 46015 (after four years at Swindon Works), 46037 (Doncaster).
February 46004.
March: 46050, 46026 (Doncaster), 46032 (Doncaster)
April: 46013 after just over four years at Swindon, 46018.
June: 46007, 46021 and 46039.
July: 46006
October: 46049 & 46056
November: 46025 (Doncaster), 46038, 46046 (Doncaster)

Photograph courtesy Ian Hammond.
Its the end of the road for 46038 & 25101 at Swindon Works October 22nd 1985. Four years earlier at the Swindon Works Open Day on June 6th 1981 46038 was also present, but this time providing visitors with access to the cab.

Broken Up:
January: 46011 (Swindon), 46028 (Doncaster), 46047 (Swindon)
February: 46014 (Swindon)
March: 46052 (Doncaster)
June: 46017 (Swindon)
September: 46029 (Swindon)
October: 46044 (Swindon)
November: 46027 (Vic Berry, Leicester)
During 1986 the BREL Workshops would stop the cutting up of locomotives and rolling stock. This left many withdrawn locomotives stranded at the Workshops with a very uncertain fate. In the case of the locomotives at Doncaster, they were removed to Goole for storage and then sent down to Vic Berry's, Leicester for final disposal. This was the fate of 46027.
Although all the scrap Class 46's at Swindon were disposed of in-situ a number of Class 46 cabs were taken by lorry to Vic Berry's, Leicester for final disposal.

Loco: |
Last Classified: |
Withdrawn (1st) |
Reinstated |
Withdrawn (2nd): |
Broken up: |
Date: |
46001 |
5/79 General |
12/80 |
9/81 |
12/81 |
Swindon |
7/82 |
46002 |
8/79 General |
12/80 |
1/81 |
9/81 |
Swindon |
9/84 |
46003 |
? |
10/78 |
- |
- |
Derby |
3/80 |
46004 |
11/80 Light |
6/83 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
2/85 |
46005 |
? |
1/78 |
- |
- |
Derby |
4/78 |
46006 |
4/78? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
1/82 |
Swindon |
7/85 |
46007 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
2/82 |
Swindon |
6/85 |
46008 |
5/80 General |
10/81 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
12/82 |
46009 |
10/80 Light |
10/83 |
- |
- |
Old Dalby, by Vic Berry |
7/84 |
46010 |
10/79 General |
12/80 |
11/81 |
11/84 |
Preserved |
- |
46011 |
1/81 Light |
11/84 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
12/85 |
46012 |
7/76 type? |
7/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
10/80 |
46013 |
4/77 type? |
8/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
4/85 |
46014 |
8/80 General |
5/84 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
1/86 |
46015 |
? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
1/85 |
46016 |
12/79 General |
12/83 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
9/84 |
46017 |
5/79 General |
12/80 |
11/81 |
4/84 |
Swindon |
6/86 |
46018 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
12/83 |
Swindon |
4/85 |
46019 |
8/77? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
8/83 |
46020 |
? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
12/84 |
46021 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
1/83 |
Swindon |
6/85 |
46022 |
10/75?? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
3/82 |
Swindon |
10/83 |
46023 |
6/80 Light |
11/83 |
- |
- |
Crewe |
3/94 |
46024 |
? |
4/78 |
- |
- |
Derby |
10/78 |
46025 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
11/84 |
Doncaster |
11/85 |
46026 |
8/79 General |
11/84 |
- |
- |
Doncaster |
3/85 |
46027 |
11/79 General |
11/84 |
- |
- |
Vic Berry, Leicester |
11/86 |
46028 |
2/80 General |
5/84 |
- |
- |
Doncaster |
1/86 |
46029 |
4/80 Light |
1/83 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
9/86 |
46030 |
8/77? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
11/82 |
46031 |
6/79 Light |
4/83 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
8/83 |
46032 |
5/80 Light |
11/81 |
12/81 |
4/84 |
Doncaster |
3/85 |
46033 |
9/77? |
5/81 |
1/82 |
6/83 |
Swindon |
10/84 |
46034 |
? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
10/82 |
46035 |
2/80 Light |
11/84 |
- |
- |
Preserved |
- |
46036 |
1/80 Light |
5/82 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
1/83 |
46037 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
6/84 |
Doncaster |
1/85 |
46038 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
3/82 |
Swindon |
11/85 |
46039 |
8/79 General |
10/83 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
6/85 |
46040 |
?5/78 |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Derby |
4/82 |
46041 |
5/80 Light |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
8/83 |
46042 |
8/77? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
12/82 |
46043 |
? |
12/80 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
5/84 |
46044 |
2/80 Light |
4/84 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
10/86 |
46045 |
11/79 Light |
11/84 |
- |
- |
Preserved |
- |
46046 |
6/80 Light |
5/84 |
- |
- |
Doncaster |
11/85 |
46047 |
6/80 Light |
9/84 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
1/86 |
46048 |
10/79 Light |
9/81 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
9/83 |
46049 |
1/79 Light |
12/82 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
10/85 |
46050 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
10/82 |
Swindon |
3/85 |
46051 |
5/80 Light |
12/83 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
4/84 |
46052 |
5/79 Light |
9/84 |
- |
- |
Doncaster |
3/86 |
46053 |
? |
2/81 |
- |
- |
Derby |
7/81 |
46054 |
? |
12/80 |
11/81 |
1/82 |
Swindon |
8/83 |
46055 |
7/75?? |
5/81 |
1/82 |
10/82 |
Swindon |
11/84 |
46056 |
1/80 Light |
10/82 |
- |
- |
Swindon |
10/85 |

Sources: the information for this page was built up over a long time, some of the sources used are now long forgotten, but they include my observations, those of some close friends, BR TOPS reports - with much assistance from Steve Harrison, period enthusiast materials (Railway Magazine, Rail, Railway Observer & others), websites - Chesterfield Observer & Timewarp in particular and others yet to be remembered.............
With thanks to Jerry Glover for many of the views on this page.
There is a huge amount of detailed information on this page - despite many checks of the information I'm sure there are errors and omissions, hopefully they will not detract from the presentation of the information, and that over time they can be corrected and other further information added.
flk 216
Page added August 27th 2009.
Last updated August 3rd 2022.
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