For almost thirty years (1958 - 1987) the sound of a Sulzer 6LDA28 could be heard across much of British Railways network, from the south coast resorts, to the south west's beaches, to much of Wales from its industrial heart in South Wales, to the panoramic ex-Cambrian lines and to the many coastal resorts in North Wales. They were no strangers to the industrial North West, to the varied scenery of the Lake District, the rolling lowlands of Scotland including the industrial activities in Ayrshire and Glasgow. Northwards the 6LDA28 truly found a home, from Oban to Fort William, Mallaig, Kyle of Lochalsh, to Wick & Thurso, then to their major home at Inverness, southwards to Perth or Aberdeen, to the more industrial Fifeshire and on to Edinburgh. South from here to London there were few lines not visited by the Class 24/25's, from Tyneside to Teeside and on to Leeds & Sheffield. They were no stranger to the Midlands or the East Coast resorts, north or south of the Wash. Such was their widespread use that they were frequent visitors to almost all the London Termini at one time or another.
Since the inception of this website during the summer of 1998 expansion has taken place with pages related to my native Derbyshire and my home town of Derby and its railway facilities.
Another major project, a spin off from the Sulzer aspect of the Class 24/25's, has been an attempt to produce a global listing of rail vehicles powered by Sulzer diesel engines from 1911 to 1991. This tabular project is almost complete, though the more detailed pages looking at the individual locomotives/railcars is far from completion and will probably never be.
Please note: this site has been created purely as an historical document. It is not affiliated in any way with the companies that operated these machines or with those companies that supplied any equipment, including the power units for these machines.
Many, many written sources have been drawn upon to create these pages, where possible these sources have been acknowledged. Likewise with the photographs featured proper creditting of the photographer has been attempted where this information is known. All omissions and errors are mine and will be gladly corrected when contacted, as many of you have already!
This site has provided no financial gain for yours truly, rather its been a financial drain as I have attempted to fill in gaps in my archive files from a variety of commercial sources including Ebay. I thank all those who have made available their own archives of printed materials and photographs.
The site is divided into three principal sections, a table of years which features the story
of the BR/Sulzer Type 2's from their inception to withdrawal, a section for the photographs and a growing look at Sulzer powered locomotives worldwide, including a tabular listing (incomplete) of this worldwide fleet.