D5094, 5094, 24094 darlington
D5094, 5094, 24094
Darlington's First Class 24
Darlington's First Main Line Diesel-Electric Locomotive

Photographer unknown at this time
Its March 19th 1960 at Cambridge as D5094 keeps company with Brush Type 2 D5535. The Class 24 is not too long out of Darlington Works, the paintwork still has that shiny freshness to it. The locomotive carries the smaller fuel tank, but retains the original water tank.
The sixteen year nine month career of D5094/24094 saw allocations to Eastern Region and Scottish Region depots.
Built BR Darlington Works (batch D5094 - D5113).
Shortened fuel tank & full size water tank (retained until withdrawn).
Four upper and four lower air filters on non-BIS side, three upper and four lower on BIS side.
Headcode discs centered on cab front (Glasgow modification).
Battery Isolating Switch Cover modification (three circular flaps).
Time between last Classified repair and withdrawal: 17 months.
Time between withdrawal & scrapping: 9 months.
The frames for D5094 were laid down at Darlington Works during October 1959, this was the 1st Class 24 to be built here. D5094 was new to March (31B) on February 18th 1960. Further transfers were:
March 1961 to Stratford (30A).
March 1961 to Finsbury Park (34G).
August 1966 to Haymarket (64B) on loan, made permanent October 1966.
(May 1973 shed code 64B becomes HA)
August 1975 to serviceable store (at Haymarket & Carstairs).
December 18th 1975 - reinstated to Haymarket.
September 17th 1976 - stored unserviceable (collision damage?).
December 1st 1976 withdrawn from Haymarket.
Renumbered April 1974.
After being placed in unserviceable store 24094 was stored at Haymarket from September 1976 until January 1977, when it was moved to Millerhill yard. It remained here until June 12th 1977 when it began its journey to Doncaster Works, reaching there on June 15th 1977, and was broken up there during September 1977.
Movement: 24069/94, 24120/30 Millerhill - Doncaster w/e June 18th 1977.
Works Visits
Works visits (records incomplete).
Noted Stratford Works April 1960.
Noted Stratford Works December 1961.
Noted Doncaster Works May 1963.
Noted Derby Works July 1966.
Noted Glasgow Works May & June 1970.
Noted Glasgow Works May 1973.
Glasgow Works June 1974??
Darlington would become the third BR Workshops alongside Derby & Crewe to produce a quantity of the Class 24 locomotives, once these were completed it would then turn out a batch of the slightly more powerful Class 25 locomotives.
The last steam locomotive to be built at Darlington Works was BR Standard Class 2 2-6-2T No.84029, delivered during June 1957.
During April 1959 Darlington completed a batch of Class 08 shunters ending with D3705, with this order out of the way resources were now allocated to the construction of twenty Type 2s (D5094 - D5113), the first two would be destined for the Eastern Region (GE), the remainder going to Gateshead. These Type 2s would be mired in a trade dispute, considerably delaying their construction.
Darlington’s first main line diesel D5094 was ceremoniously driven out of the Works on January 12th. Trials, using empty coaching stock took place between Darlington & Newcastle, using both the main & coast line. Delivery to the Eastern Region was delayed until February 18th whilst minor adjustments were made. During February 1960 D5094 & D5095 were allocated to March (31B). D5094 was noted at Stratford during April 1960.

Photograph courtesy Robert Kelly.
A fascinating view of Darlington's first mainline diesel electric locomotive D5094 and the men who worked on the production line that built D5094. The photographer was one of this team. Does anybody recognise any of these gentlemen? The first person on the right with the white apron is H V Geldart,(Bert) carpenter & cabinet maker.

Photograph courtesy Lynne Gibson, thank you for making the image available and for identifying many of those present.
Front row from left to right:
The dark haired man with glasses, overcoat, cigarette in hand is George John Fletcher, he was chief draughtsman. Next is Terry Grimes machine shop foreman, Norman Wind paint shop foreman, Cliff Hickman fitting shop foreman, Les Hartley joiners shop foreman, Harry Bagly chargehand brass finisher, Syd Webster brass foundary foreman, Jack Spackman electrical foreman, John Dixon pattern shop foreman, Len Heron yard and transport foreman, Bill Feldon erecting shop chief foreman, Albert Broadfoot fitting shop chief foreman, Benny Potts wheel shop foreman. Lynne advises her father, George Fletcher started his days at Crewe, then went to Darlington late 50’s early 60’s and then onto Derby. He was a chartered engineer, and in later days project manager at Derby.

Photograph courtesy Gordon Dolby.
Another view of the almost complete D5094 as it is brought out into the yard for further inspection by the workers at Darlington Works. At this point in time the locomotive has no windscreen wipers.

Photograph collection of webmaster.
A publicity view of just outshopped D5094 in the snow at Darlington Works early in 1960. Interestingly the piping on the far bogie has been picked out in white whilst the nearer bogies remains in black and there are no windscreen wipers fitted.
The SR Civil Engineer had recently permitted the use of the BR/Sulzer Type 2s over Blackfriars Bridge & Coldharbour Lane Bridge, this would allow use of these machines on cross London freights from Finsbury Park, replacing the J50’s. D5094 had visited Hither Green & Feltham whilst on loan to Finsbury Park from March.
D5094 was noted on the Brentford loop on November 11th with a freight from the Great Northern headed for Feltham.
D5094 was transferred to Stratford (30A) during March, then moved almost immediately to Finsbury Park (34G). It was noted at Stratford Works during December.
On October 23rd the 4.55pm Newcastle - Kings Cross saw its locomotive, D279 encounter mechanical problems coming to a complete stop at Holme. Here D5059 & D5094 were removed from a freight and triple headed the train into Kings Cross, running some ninety minutes late.
D5094 was noted at Doncaster Works during May.
D5094 worked the 16.58 Moorgate - Hertford North on June 7th.
On August 24th D5094 was noted towing D1504 on the GN to ??
On September 15th there were 26 diesels noted at Finsbury Park including D5057, D5066, D5068, D5072, D5094, D5095 and D0260 'Lion'.
On January 24th D5092 & D5094 were at Wood Green with a ballast train.
On the morning of March 23rd D5094 was light engine at Ferme Park.
On the morning of June 16th D5094 was at Wood Green with empty coaching stock.
On the morning of June 3rd D5060, D5061, D5070 & D5094 were on empty coaching stock duty at Kings Cross.
During July D5094 was noted at Derby Works. In this same month it was transferred to Haymarket along with many others from Finsbury Park, initially on loan but then made permanent during October. It was noted at Haymarket on September 3rd.
On September 2nd D5094 worked the 19.44 Carlisle - Edinburgh Waverley.
On November 30th 5094 worked the 11.30 Birmingham New Street - Edinburgh forward from Carstairs.
On January 8th 5329 & D5094 worked the 09.25 Edinburgh - Perth/Inverness to Perth.
5094 visited Glasgow Works during May & June.
On June 23rd & 24th 5094 worked the 21.40 Edinburgh - Carstairs.
5094 & 5334 worked the 16.30 Inverness - Glasgow Queen Street on August 31st.
Condition October: green livery with full yellow cab fronts, faded grey roof, frame level stripe present, gangway doors sheeted over, headcode discs centered on cab front, shortened fuel tank, full size water tank, three rung bogie mounted footsteps, ridge sided sandboxes, blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds sheeted over, bodyside valencing removed.

Photograph collection of webmaster.
5094 at Inverness circa June 1971.
Light duty on August 27th for 5065 & 5094 was one BG on the Edinburgh – Carstairs portion of the Up West Coast Postal.
On May 26th a service headed for Aberdeen with Class 40 No.257 required the assistance from Carnoustie of 5094 following an incident that led to a fatality.
TOPS renumbering took place during April. During July 24094 was noted with a fresh coat of paint - a recent visit to Glasgow Works?

Photograph collection of Roger Geach.
What is believed to be green liveried 24094 at Holm Junction, Ardrossan circa April 1974. At the time 24094 was only one of two Scottish Region Class 24s to carry TOPS numbering with green livery, the other being 24090.
A shortage of Type 4s on the Edinburgh - Aberdeen services saw the 10.25 Edinburgh - Aberdeen hauled by 26022 & 24069 on February 26th and 24069 & 24094 on March 3rd.
24094 worked the 13.00 Aberdeen - Glasgow Queen Street on July 25th.
24094 was stored during August at Haymarket, later being moved to Carstairs at least by October. It returned to Haymarket to be reinstated in December. The 17.10 Edinburgh – Berwick continued to run with a wide variety of power, December 29th 1975 featured 24121, 27109 on January 5th 1976, 27117 (6th), 27112 (10th), 24094 on January 12th, 55002 (13th), 47461 (14th), stored (?) 24069 (19th).
24094 powered May 7th’s 17.10 Edinburgh – Berwick service. On May 9th 24094 was noted at Haymarket depot.
On September 7th 24094 was noted passing Eastfield with a freight.
24094 was stored (unserviceable) a second time at Haymarket during September 1976, reportedly with collision damage.
On October 3rd & 5th 24094 was noted at Haymarket depot.
Official withdrawal took place on December 1st.
Condition Final: blue/yellow livery, gangway doors sheeted over, headcode discs centered on cab front, shortened fuel tank, full size water tank, blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds plated over, modified battery isolating switch cover - hinged flaps replaced by three circular access covers.
By January 24094 had been moved from Haymarket depot to Millerhill for further storage. During June 1977 24069/94, 24120/30 were moved as the Millerhill - Doncaster Works dead engine movement. They were noted at Tyne Yard on June 12th and at Doncaster on June 15th.

Yet another gloomy, overcast day greets our visit to Doncaster Works on August 7th 1977. 24094 must have recently been moved up from Doncaster depot, little has been done to the locomotive, although as usual the windscreen wipers are missing.
By September 1977 Doncaster Works had scrapped 24094.

Photograph courtesy Robert Kelly.
The view above and a similar view towards the top of the page surfaced separately on Ebay during August & September 2007. Now I tend to monitor Ebay for items that may be of interest for the website. Usually this is pretty much run of the mill stuff but these two views were definately of great interest. The seller who was the son of the photographer advised the photos had been languishing unseen in an attic for many, many years. Considering the notoriously difficult lighting found in many railway workshops these two views show off the occasion very well
Unfortunately a scarcity of funds prevented successful bidding on the smaller picture. One wonders what other gems are tucked away in attics and garages, and how many have perhaps inadvertently gone to the rubbish heap.
flk 1124
Page added October 9th 2007.
Last updated November 14th 2024.
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