D5106, 5106, 24106
D5106, 5106, 24106
Photograph courtesy Tony Sayer.
At the west end of Dunfermline yard on a fine summers day, June 10th 1976 24106 heads out with another load of coal wagons. 24106 missed the big purge in the summer of 1975, although was briefly stored in October. After re-instatement to Haymarket the final withdrawal came in December 1976, though the locomotive had been out of use for several months prior to official retirement.
The sixteen year three month career of D5106/24106 was split between North Eastern Region and Scottish Region depots.
Built BR Darlington Works (batch D5094 - D5113).
Shortened fuel tank & full size water tank.
Four upper and four lower air filters on non-BIS side, three upper and four lower on BIS side.
Tyne Dock - Consett modifications (high level air pipe fitted, water tank removed).
Headcode discs centered on cab front (Glasgow modification).
Circular gauge added to fuel tank.
Time between last Classified repair and withdrawal: ?? months.
Time between withdrawal & scrapping: 9 months.
The frames for D5106 were laid down at Darlington Works during June 1960, D5106 was new to Gateshead (52A) on September 24th 1960. Further transfers were:
May 1974 to Eastfield.
August 1975 to Haymarket.
October 1st 1975 - stored serviceable.
November 1st 1975 - reinstated to Haymarket.
October 22nd 1976 - stored serviceable.
October 31st 1976 - stored unserviceable.
December 31st 1976 withdrawn.
Renumbered February 1974.
After withdrawal 24106 was stored at Millerhill from October 1976 until June 18th 1977 when it was forwarded to Doncaster Works and broken up during October 1977.
Works Visits
Works visits (records incomplete).
Noted Darlington Works June & December 1961.
Noted Darlington Works October 1962.
Noted Darlington Works February, April, May & November 1963.
Noted Darlington Works February 1964.
Noted Derby Works July 1966.
Noted Crewe Works October 1966.
Noted Derby Works May - July 1967 (repainted to blue/yellow?).
Noted Glasgow Works October 1970.
Noted Glasgow Works February - April 1971 (gangway doors sheeted over?).
Noted Glasgow Works October 1974.
April 11th found D5106 visiting Scarborough whilst on a training trip from Leeds.
On Sunday April 18th the following were noted:
Gateshead: D5102, D5150, D5106, D5149, D5180, D5103, D5109, D5113
Heaton Carriage Sidings: D5178, D5108, D5147, D5177
Thornaby: D5163, D5162, D5167, D5154, D5152, D5157, D5155, D5156, D5172, D5169, D5153.
Condition June & September: green livery with small yellow warning panels, curved upper corners, bottom of warning panels does not completely cover the frame level stripe, shortened fuel tank, full size water tank, no blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds in place, three-rung bogie mounted footsteps, ridge sided sandboxes, steam style shedplate on cab front.
Condition July (ex-works at Derby): blue/yellow livery with full yellow ends, yellow axle box covers, two numbers and emblems on each side, high level air pipe, gangway doors fitted, shortened fuel tank fitted with circular gauge, no water tank, blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds in place, three-rung bogie mounted footsteps, ridge sided sandboxes, all valencing in place, original engine exhaust in use.
Condition month??: blue/yellow livery, high level air pipe, gangway doors fitted, shortened fuel tank fitted with circular gauge, no water tank, blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds in place, three-rung bogie mounted footsteps, ridge sided sandboxes, most valencing in place, emblems on all cabsides, two numbers on each bodyside with 'D' prefix, paintwork in very dirty condition.
Present at Stratford Works at the end of February was Gateshead based 5106. After release from the Works it was noted at Colchester on February 25th.
On April 15th 24106 was stabled at Gateshead, it was during May that 24106 was transferred to Eastfield.
Condition May: blue/yellow livery, gangway doors sheeted over, center discs centered, high level air pipe, shortened fuel tank fitted with circular gauge, no water tank, blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds sheeted over, three-rung bogie mounted footsteps, side valencing removed.
On April 19th the 21.00 Edinburgh Glasgow Queen Street arrived twenty minutes late behind 25237, its return working the 22.00 to Edinburgh was only thirteen minutes late leaving, in charge of 24106.
Noted on May 14th at Haymarket with minor scrapes & dents on the driver's side of the No.2 cab.
On May 23rd 24106 was stabled at Millerhill.
24106 was noted running at Inverness on July 18th.
24106 powered August 19ths 17.15 Edinburgh Glasgow Queen Street (via Grahamston), normally a diesel multiple unit turn.
24106 was stabled at Inverness on the afternoon of September 1st.
On September 17th the 1E83 Edinburgh Newcastle was worked by 24106.
On October 1st 24106 was noted on a freight at Kinghorn.
On October 14th 24106 was noted on a Millerhill trip.
24106 was withdrawn on December 31st 1976 (it had been stored since October 1976).
Condition final: blue/yellow livery, gangway doors sheeted over, headcode discs centered on cab front, shortened fuel tank fitted with circular gauge, no water tank, blanking plates fitted, hand/footholds plated over, three-rung bogie mounted footsteps, ridge sided sandboxes, high level air pipe.
Photograph collection of webmaster.
Its Millerhill sometime in the latter half of 1977 and only 24106 is present. In the middle of May there were thirteen Class 24s dumped here, four moved to Swindon, followed by two more batches of four going to Doncaster. 24106 eventually ended its days at Doncaster in October 1977.
flk 0122
Page added October 26th 2016.
Last updated January 21st 2022.
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