The fourteen year five month career of D7623/25273 started out on the Scottish Region before moving to the London Midland Region for the remainder of its career (including over ten years continuously at Birmingham area depots).
Built: Derby Locomotive Works. Allocations D7623 was new to Eastfield (65A) on September 8th 1966. Further transfers were:
July 1968 to Preston Division (D10) on loan. Renumbered March 30th 1974. 25273 was the 95th Class 25 withdrawn, one of twelve retired during February 1981. After almost eight years allocated to Bescot 25273 was retired and moved with 08294 to Swindon Works on March 23rd 1981. By the first week of April 1982 25273 had been broken up at Swindon Works. Works Visits Works visits (records incomplete).
Noted Derby Works March 1967. Highlights
1966 Although based at Eastfield these Type 2s spent much of their time in South West Scotland alongside the BRCW Type 2s quickly sending many Ayr & Hurlford’s Crabs, Black Fives & BR Standards to the storage lines and additionally helped Dumfries lose its steam allocation effective April 30th. At the end of May Ayr placed seven steam locomotives into storage because of the Type 2s arrival. Additionally at this time, with the arrival of these Type 2s, the return of some re-engined NBL Type 2s to service and the tranfer of more Claytons to Haymarket, the Scottish Region were able to put the first of the Class 26s through Works for the fitting of slow speed control equipment & dual braking for use on merry-go-round workings.
1968 After almost two years on the Scottish Region 7619 - 7623 were transferred to the Preston Division (D10) in July, by November 7616 - 7623 had moved on to the Nottingham Division (D16).
1969 On the morning of September 30th 319, 403 & 7623 were light engines at Crewe.
1970 On the morning of November 7th 7623 was noted at Wolverhampton HL.
1974 On August 3rd the 09.30 Glasgow Central - Nottingham relief was noted between Sheffield & Nottingham behind 25273 & 25126, possibly the locomotive change emanating from Leeds. At month-end, August 31st, the 08.00 Walsall - Yarmouth, to Norwich and the return 14.15 Yarmouth - Derby from Norwich were hauled by 25273 & 25210. On September 14th a Weston-super-Mare – Aberystwyth excursion utilised 25273 & 25040 west of Shrewsbury. The latter machine, already smoking badly, was later declared a failure after arrival at Aberystwyth. Fortunately on the return trip 25273 was upto the challenge and reached Shrewsbury without assistance, the excursionists eventually reaching home ahead of schedule. On September 28th the 08.00 Walsall - Norwich and the 15.18 Norwich - Walsall were worked by 25273 & 25187.
During June 25273 visited Crewe Works for repair. The 08.00 Walsall - Yarmouth to Norwich and the return 14.15 Yarmouth - Derby from Norwich were worked by 25273 & 25107 on September 27th.
1977 On the afternoon of June 11th 25273 was stabled at Saltley. On the afternoon of November 13th 25273 & 25245 were at Stourbridge Junction.
1978 A visit was made to Derby during September to repair accident damage.
1979 On June 2nd 25273 worked the 12.36 Birmingham New Street - Norwich. The forty one locomotives stabled at Saltley at 11am on June 10th included 25038, 25124, 25131, 25268, 25273 & 25279. On the afternoon of June 27th 25273 was noted at Oxford with an Up freight. On July 21st the 04.15 Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth and the 10.09 Aberystwyth - Euston to Wolverhampton were worked by 25273 & 25275. Possibly the last known passenger working for 25273 took place on August 26th working a roundtrip Melton Mowbray - Barmouth with 25298 for a total of 368 passenger miles. Class 25s stabled at Bescot on the morning of November 10th were 25038, 25122, 25124, 25263 & 25273.
Page last updated September 18th 2015. |