![]() The sixteen year three month career of D5252/25102 saw allocations to London Midland Region & Eastern Region depots.
Built: BR Derby Locomotive Works. Allocations D5252 was new to Toton (16A) on February 21st 1964. Further transfers were:
May 1964 to Derby (16D). Renumbered April 1974. 25102 was the 31st Class 25 to be withdrawn, one of two retired during May 1980. After withdrawal 25102 was moved between August 12th & 14th (with 25204) as the 9X34 00.05 Crewe - Swindon, and scrapped by the last week of October 1980. Works Visits Works visits (records incomplete).
Noted Crewe Works July 1966. Highlights
1964 D5252 made its Works test trip to Corby on February 19th 1964. During May D5252 was transfered to Derby (16D).
1966 On January 1st D5252 was noted at Ketton & Collyweston with freight 5F60. Their stay at Thornaby was brief, all were transferred to Leeds Holbeck (55A), the majority in May except for D5254/55 in June and D5256 in October. They were to be used on the summer seasonal traffic generated from the Leeds area, hopefully without the need to use local steam power. On the afternoon of May 14th D5252 was at Middlesborough with a westbound freight (9P11). D5252 visited Crewe Works during July. On November 6th D5252 & D5174 were stabled at Stourton.
1967 On August 10th D5252 and a Class 45 were noted passing Normanton with Midland Railway 4-2-2 No.118 and a brakevan.
![]() Condition August 10th: two-tone green livery with small yellow warning panels, no blanking plates, hand/footholds present, straight sided sandboxes, three-rung bogie mounted footsteps, engine exhaust in original position. Derby Works was visited by D5252 in August possibly receiving freshly painted full yellow ends but retaining the two tone green livery. Red buffer beams, yellow axle boxes and the steam heat connections had also been touched-up in their respective colours. On the morning of September 13th D5252 was at Leeds. By the beginning of November another thirty Class 25s had been transferred to the north west, along with a number of shunters and Classes 40 & 47, during October alone over eighty steam locomotives were withdrawn from the LMR, all from sheds located between the Mersey and the Solway. Included in the newly arriving Type 2s were D5151 – D5155, loaned to Carlisle from Thornaby, whilst in December Carlisle (12A) received D5248 – D5251 from Leeds Holbeck and D5252 - D5256 were transferred from within the LMR. Closed to steam early in November were the sheds at Stoke, Crewe South and Birkenhead, with Warrington and Springs Branch closed by month end. Northwich still held onto a number of steam diagrams but increasingly everywhere in the north-west the Classes 25 & 40 were to be found taking over the steam turns.
1968 On August 22nd D5252 was at Crewe station with a loaded ballast train.
1970 ![]()
1974 On April 10th 25102 was northbound at Mill Hill with empty bogie bolsters. On May 5th 25102 was stabled at Gloucester. On June 17th 25102 was stabled at Saltley. On June 29th the 09.19 Manchester Piccadilly - Yarmouth was worked to Lincoln Central by 25102 & 25088, returning from there with the 09.15 Yarmouth - Manchester Piccadilly. August was a busy month for 25102, on August 10th a roundtrip Derby - Skegness was worked by 25102 & 25095. On August 26th a roundtrip Nottingham - Skegness was worked by 25102 & 25129, whilst on August 31st 25102 & 25057 worked the Derby - Norwich - Yarmouth - Norwich - Walsall diagram. On October 29th 25102 and another Class 25 worked the 7K54 09.30 Shotwick sidings - Trentham freight.
1975 On May 24th the 08.00 Walsall - Yarmouth was worked by 25102 & 25083 from Leicester to Norwich. They returned from Norwich with the 14.15 Yarmouth - Derby. The next day (25th) the same paired worked the 09.10 Derby - Skegness and the return 18.15 Skegness - Derby. On June 21st the 07.35 Nottingham - Llandudno Town and the return 14.00 Llandudno Town - Nottingham were worked by 25102. 25102 and another Class 25 worked a roundtrip 1Z86 Nottingham - Skegness relief on August 16th. On August 23rd 25102 & 25049 worked the 08.00 Walsall - Yarmouth to Norwich, returning from Norwich with the 14.15 Yarmouth - Derby.
1976 25102 was the Manchester Victoria pilot on a wet March 3rd. 25102 visited Derby Works for a Classified repair during April, which included its repaint from green to blue livery, it was the second to last Class 25 to carry green livery, eclipsed only by 25043 which was repainted blue at Derby a couple of months later. However perhaps it should be noted that 25102 was the last Class 25 to carry the two tone green livery, the livery carried by 25043 was the solid brunswick green with full yellow cab ends. This would be the last major Works visit for 25102.
![]() The last Class 25s to be delivered in two-tone green livery were D7622 & D7623 during October 1966 to Eastfield (65A). It would take almost ten years for the two-tone livery to disappear from the Class 25s, as recorded above 25102 would be the last Class 25 to carry this fine livery. The two-tone green would linger for a short while on a handful of Class 47s, whilst several Class 08s & 20s still carried green livery. On April 24th 25102 made a test run from Derby Works. The snag sheet for April 24th recorded: No.1 end leading, recordings made from No.2 end.
On July 3rd 25102 was stabled at Guide Bridge. On August 14th the 08.48 Manchester Piccadilly - Skegness and the return 12.30 Skegness - Manchester Piccadilly were worked by 25102 & 25186. 25102 was the Manchester Victoria banker (T42) on November 14th.
1977 On the late afternoon of October 15th 25102 was noted with a ballast train at Chinley.
1978 Condition April: blue/yellow livery, boiler room grilles sheeted over, hand/footholds sheeted over, straight sided sandboxes, two-rung bogie mounted footsteps (present prior to its 1976 Derby Works visit).
![]() On August 31st 25102 worked the 07.47 Manchester Victoria - Bangor and the return 11.30 Bangor - Manchester Victoria. 25102 was the Manchester Victoria pilot on September 2nd & 3rd. On the afternoon of November 18th 25074, 25102, 25260 & 25282 were stabled at Saltley. At mid-day on December 9th 25102 was stabled at Bristol Bath Road.
1979 25102 was the Manchester Victoria pilot on April 16th & 17th. On the morning of May 28th 25102 was stabled at Exeter shed. On May 29th 25102 worked the 17.30 Paignton - Exeter relief. On the afternoon of May 30th 25102 was stabled at Bristol Bath Road. 25102 & 40004 were noted light engines between Great Rocks & Buxton on September 20th.
1980 25102 was noted at Bedford on May 3rd. 25102 was withdrawn on May 11th 1980. 25102 was due a major shopping, which was presumably declined due to a surplus of locomotives.
Page added February 28th 2004.
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